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The consultation has been publicised on:

  1. LA consultations website
  2. Raines Foundation School website
  3. Oaklands Secondary School website
  4. LA social media accounts

And with the following agencies:

  1. Local MPs
  2. Tower Hamlets Cabinet Members
  3. Raines Foundation Trustees
  4. Local School Governors
  5. Tower Hamlets Admissions Forum Members
  6. Tower Hamlets Head Teachers
  7. Neighbouring Local Authorities
  8. Tower Hamlets Parents & Carers Forum
  9. Tower Hamlets Young Peoples Forum
  10. Church of England Diocese
  11. Roman Catholic Diocese
  12. Somali Community Association
  13. Collective of Bangladeshi Governors
  14. East London National Education Union
  15. Tower Hamlets Council of Mosques
Yes, uniform grants will be provided for parents to purchase a new school uniform when this is required. 
On 5 July 2019 the LA’s School Admissions Team will write to every Raine’s parent who has applied for a transfer to another school for this September, to confirm the offer of a school place. The letter will include a section about how they can claim financial support with buying the new school’s uniform.
The uniform grant will be in line with the current school clothing grant that is provided for children when they transfer from primary to secondary school, which is currently £110. The grant will only be redeemable at Khalsa Schoolwear (388 Bethnal Green Road, E2 0AH) Parents will need to present the letter when they visit the store, along with identification, to claim the grant. 
More information can be obtained from the LA’s School Admissions Team. 

There will be a need to increase staffing at Oaklands School. A larger school will offer more opportunities for their professional development.

All schools must by law provide Religious Education (RE) as part of the curriculum and make provision for collective worship. If Raine’s closes LDBS will work closely with Oaklands to ensure that transferring students receive high quality RE and are supported in their spiritual development.

Detailed discussions with Oaklands School won’t begin until a decision is taken that Raine’s is going to close as the LDBS is not pre-judging the outcome of the consultation.  

LDBS has spent the past five years trying to help the school to recruit pupils but that has been unsuccessful. Unless sufficient pupils are on roll for the school to break even financially, the decision on whether a school stays open or closes is taken by those providing the funding.
The school was inspected in 2015 and then re-inspected in 2017 and was judged to ‘Require Improvement’ as a result of both visits. Pupil numbers, which were already declining in 2016, were further affected by poor GCSE results that year, as well as attendance and behaviour issues in the school.
The school’s current roll and projected numbers demonstrate that it is highly unlikely to recruit the pupil numbers necessary to address its current funding shortfall, repay the loans it has already been given and move onto a financially sustainable footing.

A link to the council’s consultation web page was published on the websites of Raine’s and Oakland’s Schools and both schools sent out a text message to parents by 17 June directing them to the link, which clearly states information about the public meeting at Oaklands on 19 June and at Raine’s on the 26 June.  It is possible that technical issues (either on sending or receipt) could have prevented messages getting through in individual cases; but the intention was to inform everyone at the same time.

19.      A link to the council’s consultation web page was published on the websites of Raine’s and Oakland’s Schools and both schools sent out a text message to parents by 17th June directing them to the link, which clearly states information about the public meeting at Oaklands on 19th June and at Raine’s on the 26th June.  It is possible that technical issues (either on sending or receipt) could have prevented messages getting through in individual cases; but the intention was to inform everyone at the same time.

At this stage no decision on the closure of Raine’s has been made, and all the views received, either at the meetings or separately in writing, will be considered prior to a decision being taken as to whether to go ahead with the proposal.

Please see answer question 46.  Technically a complete amalgamation of the two schools is not being proposed.  There is a proposal to enlarge Oaklands so that it can accommodate any pupils displaced as a result of the possible closure of Raine’s who wish to transfer.

This is designed to help children to transfer together and to minimise disruption to their education by ensuring as much continuity of curriculum and teaching as possible. However parents can exercise their right to seek a place in a different school if they prefer, and will be given every assistance.

Two public meetings have been arranged to provide an opportunity for parents, staff, pupils and members of the local community to ask questions and express their views on the proposals outlined in the consultation document. Another aim of these meetings is to publicise the consultation document, which provides detailed background information on the context and background to the proposal, including options already explored.
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