Emerging Draft Local Plan

We have published the draft Local Plan and are inviting comments as per Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012. This is the final draft we plan to submit to the Secretary of State for review.

The consultation period will run between Friday 13 September to Monday 28 October 2024.

As the council’s most important planning document, the Local Plan is used to guide decisions on planning applications in the borough. This means that if someone wants to develop a new building or change its use, they should make sure it follows the policies in the Local Plan.

The currentLocal Plan was adopted in January 2020 and a number of the objectives, policies and guidance contained within this plan could now be considered out-of-date as national and regional guidance is progressively updated. Once adopted, this new plan will replace the currently adopted plan which plans until 2031.

What is the ‘regulation-19’ Plan and consultation?

The regulation-19 version is the final draft of the Plan that the council intends to submit to the Secretary of State for independent examination, also known as the ‘Proposed Submission Version’.

The publication of a proposed submission version of the draft local plan is a statutory stage within the plan-making process.

The purpose of this stage of the plan-making process (regulation-19) is to invite representations on whether the document is ‘sound’ and ‘legally compliant’. Further detail on what this means is as follows.

At this stage of the plan making process, in accordance with national guidance, consultation responses should focus on legal and procedural compliance, and the soundness of the Local Plan.

Legal requirements

To fulfil the legal requirements required at this stage of plan-making the plan should have been:

  • prepared in accordance with our latest local development scheme
    accompanied by a sustainability appraisal and habitat regulations assessment
  • subject to consultation carried out in accordance with our Statement of Community Involvement
  • compliant with all relevant legislation including the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (PCPA) and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
  • in general conformity with the London plan
  • we should also have worked collaboratively with neighbouring authorities and prescribed bodies on strategic and cross boundary matters, to fulfil the obligation known as the ‘duty to cooperate’. Details of how we have done this are set out in our Duty to Cooperate Statement.


There are four tests of soundness which require the Local Plan to be:

Positively Prepared

providing a strategy which, as a minimum, seeks to meet the borough’s objectively assessed needs ; and is informed by agreements with other authorities, so that unmet need from neighbouring areas is accommodated where it is practical to do so and is consistent with achieving sustainable development;


An appropriate strategy, taking into account the reasonable alternatives, and based on proportionate evidence.


Deliverable over the plan period, and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic matters that have been dealt with rather than deferred, as evidenced by the statement of common ground; and

Consistent with National Policy

Enabling the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in this Framework and other statements of national planning policy, where relevant.

Where can I view the plan?

All information can be found on our Let's Talk page which will allow you to view the new Local Plan and its supporting documents.

Hard copies of the new Local Plan will be available for inspection at the Tower Hamlets Town Hall 160 Whitechapel Rd, London E1 1BJ and all Tower Hamlets Idea Stores and libraries. The statement of fact sets out full details on where information can be viewed.

Submitting representations on the Draft Plan

The consultation will run between Friday 13 September to Monday 28 October 2024. The statement of procedure sets out full details on the process that should be followed to submit your representation.

Representations should be submitted using the online form. There is a separate link to submit representations on the policies or the site allocations.

Visit the Let's Talk page to review the draft Local Plan, supporting documents and submit your representation online.

If you wish to participate in hearings, you must submit a representation as part of this consultation, even if you have previously submitted responses in previous stages of consultation.

Talk to us

We will be holding a series of in person and virtual events to help explain the requirements of this consultation. All information on these online and in-person events can be found on our Let's Talk page. You can also contact us at localplan@towerhamlets.gov.uk if you have require further information.

Next steps

Following this stage of the Local Plan, we will be submitting the plan to the Secretary of State (SoS) in winter 2024/2025.

The SoS will then appoint an independent planning inspector who will examine the Plan and make recommendations for any modifications that are required before it can be found sound and adopted. We are currently expecting for the Local Plan to be adopted in Winter 2025.

Once the Local Plan has gone through the process of examination and is adopted, the Local Plan will replace the current Local Plan which was adopted in 2020.

Early engagement - Early 2023

You're helping us understand the issues we need to tackle and finalise the vision and objectives.

Regulation 18 - Autumn/Winter 2023

We'll ask for your thoughts on the options we've identified to tackle the issues, along with potential locations for future development.

Regulation 19 - Summer 2024 (current stage) ⬅️

We'll ask you for your thoughts on our proposed plan

Plan submitted - Winter 2024/25

The plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State

Examination - Early-Mid 2025

An independent planning inspector will examine the plan, evidence and the comments made, to test if it is 'sound'.

Adoption - Winter 2025

The plan will be adopted and used to inform decisions on planning applications