Isle of Dogs & South Poplar Community Development Panel

Join the panel

We are looking for people who live in or regularly visit the Isle of Dogs or South Poplar area to join the Community Development Panel. Through this panel, you will get to shape the design of developments in the area.

Interested? Email or call 020 8164 9980. Frame Projects, who manage the Community Development Panel, will send you more information and an application form.

The deadline for applications is 14 February 2025.

About the panel

The Community Development Panel provides local views and recommendations to Tower Hamlets Council at key stages of the planning process for developments in the Isle of Dogs and South Poplar.

The group ensures that new development takes opportunities to create a better urban environment for the people living and working in the area, both now and in the future.

The group meets to discuss policy and development proposals and to give its views. Members review all significant developments in the Isle of Dogs and South Poplar area before a planning application is made.

These discussions are turned into a formal report and feed into decisions made by the council, and its Development Committee and Strategic Development Committee.

The group’s recommendations are taken seriously, and planning applicants are expected to respond to each one.

The group has been running since 2020 and has 12 members, appointed through an simple application process. Members all live locally and include people of different ages and backgrounds, reflecting the diverse make-up of the Isle of Dogs and South Poplar community.

The group is chaired by David Ubaka, an independent community engagement consultant, and managed by Frame Projects to ensure its autonomy. Frame provides panel members with the support needed to fulfil their role, including training, to ensure everyone can engage effectively with proposals.

The CDP meets monthly on Tuesday evenings from 6.30-8.30pm.

For applicants

If you would like to discuss bringing a scheme to the panel, please contact Sally Fraser, Planning Team Leader (East), at

Full information including remit, charges and membership for the panel, can be found in the Isle of Dogs and South Poplar Community Development Panel Handbook.