Planning datasets

As part of the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) initiative to improve digital services and systems for planning applicants we publish planning data in an open format.

We have 4 datasets available.

Article 4 directions

An Article 4 Direction removes certain permitted development rights, meaning that planning permission from the council is required for specific building works and changes of use that would normally not need an application under national planning legislation. We have 2 Article 4 directions.

Residential dwellings to small Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

This removes permitted development rights for changes of use from residential dwellings (C3 use class) to small houses in multiple occupation (C4 use class).

Download the Article 4 direction - Residential to HMO

Commercial to residential

This direction removes permitted development rights for changes of use from Class E commercial use to residential (Class C3) use in certain parts of Tower Hamlets.

Download the Article 4 direction - Class E to residential

Conservation areas

A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historical interest, the character and appearance of which the council has a duty to preserve or enhance. The land, buildings and trees in these areas have special protection in the planning system. There are 58 conservation areas in Tower Hamlets.

Download the conservation area dataset

Listed buildings

A listed building is a structure of significant architectural or historic interest that warrants special protection. It may not be demolished, extended, or altered without obtaining special permission from the Council’s planning authority.

Download the listed building dataset

Tree Preservation Order (TPO)

A TPO is an order made by a Local Planning Authority in respect of trees.

The order makes it an offence to cut down, uproot, prune, damage or destroy the tree or trees. A TPO can apply to a single tree, a group of trees or a woodland.

Download the TPO dataset

Download the TPO Zone data