
Play Ball (for free)

You can hire a basketball and play for free at Bethnal Green Gardens as part of Basketball England's Play Ball scheme. Just go to Bethnal Green Library (within Bethnal Green Gardens) and sign a ball out, then return when you're done.

Trojan Basketball

Trojan Basketball aim to make basketball in the borough more accessible to all. Trojans want to engage people into something positive, make basketball more accessible to all, to grow as a club and be sustainable. 

They run a number of sessions which are open to boys, girls, women and men. These take place throughout the week. 

Find out more on the Trojans Basketball Club website.

Walking Basketball

Join us for walking basketball. You do not need to be a highly tuned athlete to compete - you can still join in with a number of ailments and free and open to adults of all ages and abilities.

Find out more on the events page.

Outdoor basketball courts

If you want more time to play basketball then visit the Trojan Basketball Club website for more information.