Supporting People strategy

The Supporting People team in Tower Hamlets has developed the Supporting People strategy 2011-2016. This sets out our aims and objectives for improving support services for vulnerable people over the next five years.

The strategy provides the vision for planning housing-related support services according to the needs of people in the borough, and how to link people and services to provide an effective continuum of support and care. It was developed in consultation with - and as a working partnership of - the council, service users, service providers, health services, probation services, and voluntary and community organisations.

The document also details an extensive analysis of the housing support needs of vulnerable residents in the borough, the current level of support services supplied, and identifies areas for development in the coming years.

How to contact us

For more information please contact:

Supporting People team
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Block C, 3 Millharbour
E14 9XP

Tel: 020 7364 7016


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