Healthy lifestyle, children and young people

In Tower Hamlets, by age 11 over half of children are overweight or obese. Like in other places in the country, the numbers of children who have excess weight has increased during the pandemic. Children in deprived areas or from certain minority ethnic groups are less likely to be a healthy weight.

As excess weight childhood is associated with a wide range of health problems in both childhood and later in life, reducing obesity in Tower Hamlets is a key public health priority locally.

We are committed to ensuring that all children in Tower Hamlets can live happy, healthy lives.

We have taken a whole systems approach to supporting healthy weight. This recognises that individual-level action on its own won’t work. Rather, we must work in partnership to tackle “obesogenic environments”. To improve the socio-economic, cultural and environmental issues to help children and families achieve heathy weight.

Work we are doing locally to tackle this issue

Our aim is to make it easier for children, young people and their families to eat more healthily, be more active and achieving a healthy weight. Our Child Healthy Weight Action Plan sets out how we work with partners to do this in the following ways.

Healthy places

The council is working on ways to make it easier for people to be active, have access to green spaces and restricting unhealthy adverts and new fast food outlets near schools. We are committed to ensuring all council policies, strategies and contracts support addressing childhood obesity, and that young people’s voice and visions shapes the borough.

Healthy settings

We are working with schools to enable pupils to enjoy a healthy school food experience and increase physical activity opportunities. With partners, we aim to improve healthy food and eating offers across the borough.

Healthy services

We want to empower people to make healthy choices. We’re leading innovative work to develop a shared language around healthy weight; and we’re developing a network of peer support for families. We will share helpful information to residents and equip relevant professionals to provide the correct support to families.



Fun, active play and healthy eating courses and resource pack for children aged 0 to 4 years and their parents. Visit, call 020 7987 7399 or email

Breakfast clubs

Breakfast clubs are available in most schools to give children a healthy start to the day. Speak to your local school.

Check the MEND timetable for the latest free programmes taking place around the borough.

Free cycle training

Provided by Tower Hamlets council for adults and families who live or work in the borough. Visit the cycling page for more, call 020 7364 6940 or email

Healthy Families programme

Parents of children aged under 11 can attend 5- to 6-week courses on healthy eating and active lives. Call the council's Parental Engagement Team on 020 7364 1952.

Food for Health awards

Rewards businesses offering access to affordable fresh fruit and vegetables, and supports restaurants and cafes that make their food healthier – e.g. by decreasing salt, fat and sugar.

To learn more about the scheme visit the Food for Health page.

Useful external links