Developing the action plan

Developing our Child Healthy Weight Action Plan

We conducted a Child Healthy Weight Joint Strategic Needs Assessment to help us understand the issue, its impact on children and what we can do to help.

  • We reviewed the evidence for best practice and what works
  • We reviewed national and local policy guidance
  • We looked at what we are currently doing in Tower Hamlets and compared it to best practice
  • We explored and understood the data on child healthy weight

We hosted four thematic meetings with system leaders, led by Tower Hamlet's Chief Executive.

Meeting themes:

  • Physical activity environment
  • Healthy eating environment
  • Social, media and cultural environment
  • Support for children and families with excess weight

We engaged over 40 people working across the borough, including systems leaders.

Partners included:

  • Tower Hamlets Council
  • Health and Wellbeing Board
  • Health partners
  • Voluntary and community sector
  • Local businesses

We listened to children, young people and families.

We heard from:

  • Children and young people
  • Families
  • Community groups

Prioritising proposed actions

The process

In collaboration with borough-wide stakeholders, we collated a master list of potential actions for healthy weight which stemmed from three themed Healthy Weight logic models (see appendix 1).

Next, we used a prioritisation framework to systematically review, assess and prioritise the potential actions based on the agreed criteria.

These activities helped us to establish our work plan for this year; The Child Healthy Weight Action Plan.

Prioritisation criteria

  • Sufficient evidence on its impact
  • Opportunity to address health inequalities
  • Achievable with available resources 
  • Within our control or influence