Big London Energy Switch

The council runs a scheme called the Tower Hamlets Energy (T.H.E.) Community Power, which uses the collective buying power of residents to ensure that energy providers offer the best energy rates possible to those who are registered on the scheme.

The innovative programme won the team the council’s 2014 Best Idea/Innovation Award.

Find out how the scheme works.

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Our aim is always to help you make a decision about switching suppliers in a safe and easy way - whilst taking the hassle out of the process.

However, with the market currently in turmoil and the recent further increases to the Government’s Energy Price Guarantee and Ofgem’s Price Cap, this isn’t as straightforward as it once was. For this reason, we’ve decided to change the way in which we help you.

For the time being, Standard Variable Tariffs, limited by the Government’s Energy Price Guarantee, remain the best option. Fixed tariffs remain significantly higher and therefore do not offer opportunities to save when switching away from a variable tariff. So, for now, we have decided to take a flexible approach to our energy auctions instead of having a fixed auction date. During this time, we will closely monitor the energy market to determine if there is a point at which we could hold an auction which could deliver a potential saving opportunity for you. Our goal is to look for offers that will fix your prices at a reasonable level.

We’ll contact you as soon as we have an offer that might be of interest to you. At that stage, you’ll be able to update your details so you receive an accurate offer. Make sure you have registered with us so that we can let you know when our next auction will take place.

In the current climate, there are few opportunities to switch suppliers, but we are leaving our registration open. We will continue to monitor the market, ready to take action and inform you when the market is better placed to offer you a saving.

Register now - We will be in touch as soon as we can present an offer

By registering with us you can benefit from the bargaining power of a large group. After you have registered, an auction is held where suppliers compete for the opportunity to offer you the lowest, renewable energy tariff.

There’s no need to compare different tariffs as you’ll receive a personal offer. And what about the switch over? That will be handled for you too. Taking part is free, it's quick & simple to do and there is no obligation to switch. All offers are 100% renewable electricity.