Spring clean Tower Hamlets!

Come along for a litter-pick and help make Tower Hamlets a cleaner borough!

Mile End Road Litter Pick Volunteering
Friday 7 March 2pm to 4pm
Meet at the Lawton Road Car Park from 2pm

RSVP to teamec@towerhamlets.gov.uk so we bring enough kit.

Find out more about the litter pick.

Air Quality Action Plan

Read the Tower Hamlets Air Quality Action Plan (2022-2027) which sets out action the council is taking to improve air quality in the borough. The action plan is published as part of our duty to London Local Air Quality Management.

Join the Zero Emissions Network (ZEN)

The scheme, funded by the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund and Tower Hamlets Council, helps businesses save money, reduce emissions and improve air quality.

Signing up to the network is free, without obligation and you can register online

To find out more about the Zero Emissions Network or to apply for our trials and services, please contact zen@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Idling Action London

The Breathe Clean campaign is supported by Vehicle Idling Action, a London-wide behaviour change campaign which is also helping to reduce localised air pollution

The project supports action to tackle idling in Tower Hamlets, as well as 31 other local authorities. Our anti-idling action events and school workshops are delivered in partnership with Idling Action London.