Lithium battery fires

Lithium batteries have caused fires in the rubbish lorries. Please do not put batteries in your waste or recycling bin. All batteries (including lithium batteries from e-bikes and e-scooters and other re-chargeable devices) can be taken to the Reuse and Recycling Centre at Northumberland Wharf.

Smoke control

Under the Clean Air Act of 1993, Tower Hamlets is covered by a borough-wide smoke control area. This means that you can’t emit smoke from a domestic chimney unless you are burning an authorised fuel or using an exempt appliance. This legislation helps to prevent smog and reduce the amount of harmful particulate matter in the air.

If you are found to be burning unpermitted fuels in an appliance that does not appear on the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs's (DEFRA) list of exempt appliances, you could be fined up to £1000.

NB – These rules only apply to appliances that emit smoke through a domestic building chimney. This means that bonfires and most barbecues are still permitted but please be considerate to your neighbours. See more advice on bonfires.

Open fires and wood-burning Stoves

DEFRA has published a practical guide on open fires and wood-burning stoves that provides simple steps to reduce their environmental and health impacts.


To report a problem with smoke, please call 020 7364 5000 or email

Please provide:

  • a description of the problem
  • the address of the problem
  • your name, address and contact details.

Domestic wood burning is a significant contributor of harmful particulate emissions. It accounts for approximately 38 per cent of UK primary particulate emissions compared to 16 per cent from industrial combustion and 12 per cent from road transport.

The tiny particles in smoke can get into the blood stream and cause a range of health impacts such as breathing problems and making existing condition such as asthma worse.

The council is encouraging all residents to use an approved appliance known as an exempt appliance.

These are appliances that have been approved by DEFRA if you wish to burn wood and coal in a Smoke Control Area.

Ready to Burn legislation

The government has introduced legislation to phase out sales of bagged coal and wet wood (two of the most polluting fuels), encouraging the use of cleaner fuels in the home.

The Ready to Burn legislation came into force in England on 1 May 2021, ensuring the public and suppliers move to using cleaner alternatives such as dry wood which produces less smoke and pollution.

It can be difficult to know which fuels to choose to reduce pollution. When selecting wood or solid fuels you should look for the ‘Ready to Burn’ logo on packaging.

If you buy fuel certified with the 'Ready to Burn' logo, you can be confident that you are protecting yourself and your family from the effects of the most polluting fuels. 

For more information please visit the HETAS website.

If you already have open fire place or a non-authorised appliance, you will need to use authorised fuel.

Canal boat users

Smoke from canal boat users is also a big issue. Residents contact the council on a regular basis to report smoke nuisance. If using wood for fuel it should be well-seasoned and dry.

Waste wood should never be used as it is likely to contain chemicals that will be emitted when the wood is burned. Boat users should consider using smokeless fuels as an alternative.

See more information on canal boats and air pollution and a map showing where smoke complaints have been raised.

Report smoke nuisance

Residents can report smoke nuisance to the council’s Environmental Health and Trading Standards Service

Tel: 020 7364 5008