Guidance for Section 61 Applications

Initial applications for Section 61 Prior Consent

For initial applications, please prepare an application document and upload it using the the Initial Application for Section 61 Prior Consent form.

For a limited-duration out-of-hours road or rail works dispensation, please complete the street works form.

Sections of the form

  • Applicant information: This section should be filled with the details of the principal contractor. The applicant should be the Director or Company Secretary.
  • Site details: This section should be filled with the site address and the site correspondence address.
  • Planning information: This section should be filled with the construction site category, the planning reference number (if applicable) and a description of the works.
  • Your report: Upload your application document in this section.

Preparing your application document

Please prepare your application as a Word (.doc .docx) or PDF document.

The main section of your application document must contain a table giving an overview of the relevant information.

Detailed information (including diagrams, maps or tables) must be included in numbered appendices at the end of the document.

Information to provide in the main table
 Section headingGuidance on the type of information we would expect to receive.
 1) Site address

Provide the address or location of the proposed works in the main table.

 2) Main contractor

Provide the name and address of the main contractor and contract names on site in the main table.

 3) Outline description of work and site layout plans

Provide a summary of the works in the main table.

Site layout plans should be included as Appendix 3. You may also give more detailed descriptions of the works.

 4) Programme

Provide a summary of the programme in the main table.

This summary should contain:

  • Your project start and end date
  • The period covered by your S61 application

A detailed programme of work phases and their start and end dates should be included as Appendix 4. This can be presented as a bulleted list, a table or a gantt chart.

 5) Construction methods to be used in each stage of development

All detail of the construction methods and methodology to be used should be included as Appendix 5.

Appendix 5 should be divided into work phases and may be presented as a table.

 6) Hours of work

Provide a summary of the days and hours that work is planned in the main table.

The times of work currently permitted by the council for S61 prior consent are:

  • Monday – Friday: 8am to 6pm

No noisy works are permitted on Saturdays, Sundays, Public or Bank Holidays without prior consent.

There must be no work activity outside the periods above that will be audible at the site boundary.

Any work outside of these Core Hours must be for a limited period and either:

  • on the basis of Health and Safety
  • approved beforehand by applying for a Dispensation.
 7) Number, type and make of plant and machinery (including heavy vehicles) 

All detail of the plant and equipment for the work activities should be included as Appendix 7.

The plant and equipment should be grouped by the phases of work where the plant or machinery will be used and should note:

  • Type of equipment
  • Make and model
  • Number to be used
  • On time
  • Source sound power levels
  • Any corrections to sound levels

Source terms can be extracted from British Standards (BS) 5228-1:2009.  Code or practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites – Part 1: Noise or from measured noise data

 8) Predicted noise levels

All detail of the predicted noise levels should be included as Appendix 8.

Appendix 8 should contain detailed construction noise calculations at sensitive facades. These should include the cumulative effects of noise from a number of activities taking place simultaneously at different locations on the site impacting on sensitive receptors

 9) Proposed steps to minimise noise and vibration

Provide a summary of the proposed mitigation in the main table.

More detail should be provided as Appendix 9.

Appendix 9 can be presented as a bulleted list of actions to complete.

 10) Monitoring regime

Provide a summary of the monitoring in the main table.

Please provide further detail as Appendix 10.

Appendix 10 should include your methods of continuously monitoring noise levels and planned locations. During demolition, piling and excavation, vibration you should plan to monitor in terms of ppv.

 11) Liaison

Provide a summary of arrangements for liaison with residential neighbours in the main table.

This might include:

  • a dedicated Customer Relations Manager
  • newsletter
  • website
  • dedicated email address or telephone hotline
 12) List of plans and appendices

Provide a list of all appendixes in the main table. This will usually be:

  • Appendix 3:  Site Layout Plan
  • Appendix 4: Programme
  • Appendix 5:  Methods of Working
  • Appendix 7:  Plant and Equipment
  • Appendix 8:  Predicted Noise Levels
  • Appendix 9:  Proposed Steps to minimise Noise and Vibration
  • Appendix 10: Monitoring Regime

Additional / amended documents for initial applications

If you are contacted by the Environmental Protection Officers and asked to provide more information about your application, please use the Additional documents for Section 61 form.

You should only use this form you have already applied for Section 61 Prior approval and have a 6-digit application reference

Sections of the form

  • Applicant information: This section should be filled with the details of the principal contractor. The applicant should be the Director or Company Secretary.
  • Existing S61 Details: This section should be filled with your existing 6-digit Section 61 reference, the construction site category and the planning reference number (if applicable).
  • Your additional documents: Upload your application document in this section. This can be an amended version of your original document, or the requested information on its own. This must be a Word (.doc .docx) or PDF document.

Dispensations for Section 61 consent

You will need to apply for a Dispensation for Section 61 consent if:

  • Your planned methods have changed in a way which will affect the overall noise levels during the core hours of work.
  • You will need to operate outside of the core hours of work.

If the changes are more minor (for example, changing your working hours within permitted core hours), please complete an application for Variation of Section 61 Prior Consent.

You should only use this form you have already applied for Section 61 Prior approval and have a 6-digit application reference.

Sections of the form

  • Applicant information: This section should be filled with the details of the principal contractor. The applicant should be the Director or Company Secretary.
  • Existing S61 Details: This section should be filled with your existing 6-digit Section 61 reference, the construction site category and the planning reference number (if applicable).
  • Changes requested: In this section you will need to explain the reason and type of changes requested. The reason for requesting a dispensation must be for either a Health and Safety or Engineering reason.
  • Changes to works (if applicable): In this section you will need to explain the changes you will make to the program of works or methodology. If you do not have any changes, you will not be asked to complete this section.
  • Additional Plant / Machinery (if applicable): In this section you will need to add each type of machinery you will use which was not included on this original application, including on-time, sound power levels, and whether this is replacing or in addition to the equipment in your initial application.
  • Changes to dates and times (if applicable): In this section you will need to state your reasons for working outside of core hours, and the hours you you will need to work outside of core hours, and the dates this will affect.
  • Noise Levels and mitigation: If the requested changes will affect the noise levels, please detail the changes. You will also need to explain what best practical means (BPM) noise mitigations you intend to use.
  • Supporting documents (if applicable): If you have any supporting information which you would like to be considered (for example, updated site plans, diagrams or charts), upload them in this section. This information must be in Word format (.doc or .docx).
  • Notification to residents: Explain how you will notify residents of the requested changes.

 Variations to Section 61 consent

You should apply for a Variation to Section 61 Prior consent if you need to make changes of a minor nature that are not expected to affect the overall predicted noise levels. Typically this will be changes to dates or working hours within permitted core hours.

You should only use this form you have already applied for Section 61 Prior approval and have a 6-digit application reference.

Sections of the form

  • Applicant information: This section should be filled with the details of the principal contractor. The applicant should be the Director or Company Secretary.
  • Existing S61 Details: This section should be filled with your existing 6-digit Section 61 reference, the construction site category and the planning reference number (if applicable).
  • Changes requested: In this section you will need to explain the reason and type of changes requested, and what best practical means (BPM) noise mitigations you intend to use.