Climate Partnership
The council alone cannot reduce the emissions of Tower Hamlets to net zero by 2045. So, in 2020 we created the Climate Partnership. This is chaired by the local NHS Trust and is made up of a variety of organisations, including:
- businesses,
- education,
- faith groups,
- housing associations, and
- voluntary and public sector organisations.
To make sure any actions are delivered efficiently, the borough the Partnership has created 3 subgroups:
- Innovation and Leadership
- Research, Data and Intelligence
- Greening, Growing and Biodiversity (Tower Habitats)
These subgroups will focus on these topics so that actions and projects can be identified and put in place to reduce emissions across the borough.
Climate partnership terms of reference
Climate partnership terms of reference
List or partners
- East End Homes
- East London Business Alliance
- Fairtrade Group
- Friends of Meath Gardens
- Global Learning London
- Ida-design
- Lee Valley Park
- The Limehouse Project
- London Muslim Centre
- Mud Chute Farm
- New City College
- NHS Trust
- Poplar HARCA
- Queen Mary University
- Sanctuary
- Spitalfields City Farm
- Thames21
- The Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park
- Tonybee Hall
- Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Service
- Tower Hamlets Fire Service
- Trees for Citie
- Women's Environmental Network