Tower Hamlets is a great borough with hard working and ambitious residents and businesses.
This summer we welcomed the news of our ‘good’ Ofsted rating for our Children’s Services. This was made possible with targeted investment and the commitment of our staff and partners. You have told us that you want us to make better use of our assets and last year we raised £110 million from activities or services where we can generate income from fees and charges.
We have saved £190 million since 2010 through measures such as reducing our workforce, including the number of managers, and cutting red tape. Our staff also contribute ideas about how we can continue to deliver great services in a more efficient way.
We are continuing to invest in jobs and training opportunities and have ambitious plans to increase the number of good quality council and affordable homes in the borough.

Some of our achievements in 2018/19 include:
- 659 affordable homes were delivered.
- 3,705 adults received support from adult social services.
- The council helped 1,113 people into new jobs and training.
- The council provided specialist growth support to 530 businesses.
- There were 1,872,583 visits (and 2,130,768 online visits) to our Idea Stores and libraries.
- 64.3% of our pupils achieved grade 4 or above in English and Maths.
- 129 drug dealers were arrested and 160 drug-dealers imprisoned as part of our joint work with the police on Operation Continuum.
- Of our 120 parks, gardens and open spaces, 25 won awards last year, with Victoria Park being named best large park in London.