Economy business and Labour Market
The team provides analysis of economic and business data to understand the business structure, changes over time and new emerging employment patterns. Analysis focuses on key sectors and specific geographies in the borough.
Local Economic Assessment: Data Refresh 2015/16
This report is an update of the previous Local Economic Assessment in 2010. It includes a comprehensive analysis of the local economy, the labour market, including demand and supply relationships in the borough. The report finds that the Tower Hamlets economy has grown substantially since 2010 and has moved up in the rankings in terms of employment, earnings and skills.
Read the Local Economic Assessment 2015-16
Local employment by industries
This briefing explores the scale of local employment based in the Borough, focusing on business districts and key industries. Important growth sectors are analysed including the financial services, creative industries, information technologies and hospitality, leisure, travel and transport. In addition, the ‘low pay’ sector and manufacturing are considered in this briefing.
Business demography and structure
The business demography briefing gathers latest data about business births, deaths and survival in Tower Hamlets and can be accessed below.
The business structure briefing brings together information about age, size and turnover of businesses in the borough.
Economic outlook

The economic outlook factsheet gathers context information about the state of the UK economy including some information about London and Tower Hamlets. Most businesses in the borough have close links to the national and global economy. Therefore an understanding of the wider context is needed before interpreting local changes.
Local Economic Assessment 2010
The LEA includes a comprehensive analysis of the local economy, the labour market, including demand and supply relationships in the borough. The assessment stretches over four documents and three short fact sheets. Although is was written a few years ago, it is still a valuable source of information and should be consulted to understand the economic background of Tower Hamlets.
Links to business data
Labour Market
The labour market information presented here is designed to reflect the various aspects of labour market activity in Tower Hamlets. The briefing summarises the main characteristics of residents in employment and those who are unemployed.
Unemployment and ethnicity
This factsheet presents 2011 Census statistics about unemployment and ethnicity in Tower Hamlets. The analysis shows that residents from Black and Minority Ethnic groups had an average unemployment rate of 19 per cent, more than double the rate for White groups (7 per cent). The report explores differences between individual ethnic groups.
Employment and unemployment in Tower Hamlets
This document considers the scale of employment in the borough, assesses who is in employment and presents changes over time. The briefing also discusses a crucial part of the labour market: the unemployed, i.e. people not in employment who are actively looking for work.
We use recent data sources including the Census 2011, ONS Annual Population Survey and job seekers allowance figures to understand the scale and character of unemployment in Tower Hamlets. The two additional data files provide readers with all tables and charts used in the briefing.
Skills and qualifications
This document represents the most comprehensive analysis to date of qualification data about the Tower Hamlets resident population taken from the Census 2011 and other sources.
NOMIS Official Labour Market Statistics