External users (what we offer / sell)
Many of Tower Hamlets’ Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems are available for other Local Authorities to use. The ones we currently have available are:
1 Frameworks
Local Authority Property Furnishings Framework
The providers supply and install all basic furnishings and fittings, including lamps, floor coverings, curtains, white goods.
2 Dynamic purchasing systems
Contractors for Housing, Education, Regeneration and General Building Works
One lot for each discipline and four price-ranges covering from under £500k to under £15m. This is for works and R&M services are not included.
Construction consultancy services
Covers consultancy work of all values, currently divided into 15 Lots to cover all disciplines.
Apprenticeship Levy training and education
Provides access to Education and Skills Funding Agency-approved training providers in a manner compliant with the requirements of the Public Contract Regulations
Education Support Workers Supply
Provides access to agencies for the supply of teachers for vulnerable children who are in councils’ corporate care.
These could include:
- children and young people in care
- children on the roll of the local authority Virtual School
- young people who are under Youth Offending Team orders or are being educated in a non-traditional setting due to circumstance or needs.
Design, Print and Related Services
Provides access to suppliers for the provision of a range of Print and Design Services.