Responsible Authorities
There are a number of “Responsible Authorities”. These have been designated by the government. All new (including time-limited) and variation applications have to be sent to the responsible authorities.
If you are not sure you will need to check which organisation is responsible for health and safety and planning before you send off your forms.
If you are not sure where to send a copy of your application(s) to then please contact the Licensing Authority.
Responsible Authorities
Authority | Contact information |
The Licensing Authority
Licensing Team Environmental Health & Trading Standards Tower Hamlets Town Hall 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
020 7364 5008
The Chief Officer of Police
Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Central East Licensing Unit Licensing Office 2nd Floor Stoke Newington Police Station 33 Stoke Newington High Street London N16 8DS
Tel: 07557 572 168 Email:
The Fire Authority |
London Fire Brigade Fire Safety Regulation Helpdesk 169 Union Street London SE1 0LL
020 8555 1200 x 89170
Health and Safety |
Environment Health and Trading Standards Tower Hamlets Town Hall 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
020 7364 5008
Health and Safety Executive (Only if applicable) |
Field Operations Division 4th Floor, North Wing Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge London SE1 9HS
020 7556 2100
Local Weights and Measures Authority |
Trading Standards Administration Section Environment Health and Trading Standards Tower Hamlets Town Hall 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
020 7364 5008
Planning Authority
(Please check the correct planning authority before submitting your application)
Planning Department London Borough of Tower Hamlets Tower Hamlets Town Hall 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
020 7364 5009
London Legacy Development Corporation Planning Policy and Decisions Team Level 101 Stratford Place Montfichet Road London E20 1EJ
020 3288 8820
Environmental Protection |
London Borough of Tower Hamlets Administration Section Tower Hamlets Town Hall 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
020 7364 5007
Child Protection - Licensing |
London Borough of Tower Hamlets Tower Hamlets Town Hall 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
020 7364 2135 or 020 7364 0677
Public Health |
Director of Public Health Tower Hamlets Tower Hamlets Town Hall 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
020 7364 7014
Home Office Immigration Enforcement |
Home Secretary The Alcohol and LNR Licensing Team Lunar House 40 Wellesley Road Croydon CR9 2BY
For vessels not permanently moored
Authority | Contact information |
Tidal River Thames Port of London Authority |
London River House Royal Pier Road Gravesend Kent DA12 2BG
01474 562 200
Navigation Authority Canal & River Trust |
First Floor North Station House 500 Elder Gate Milton Keynes MK9 1BB
0303 040 4040
Maritime & Coastguard Agency |
Colchester Marine Office Iceni Way Colchester Essex CO2 9BY
020 390 85165