Best Bar None scheme

The Best Bar None award scheme was piloted in Manchester city centre in 2003 to promote the responsible management and operation of alcohol-licensed premises. It was supported by the Home Office. The scheme has grown as more local authorities operate Best Bar None schemes.
Aims of the scheme
The schemes aim is to:
- Reduce alcohol related crime and disorder
- Build a positive relationship between licensed trade, police and local authorities and the private sector
- Improve knowledge and skills of enforcement and regulation agencies, licensees, and bar staff to help them responsibly manage licensed premises
- Make sure that accredited venues meet the minimum standards and champion ongoing improvements
- Recognise responsible premises and share good practices with others
- Highlight how operating more responsibly can improve the profitability of an individual business and attractiveness of a general area
Best Bar None in Tower Hamlets
In 2014 the scheme was introduced to Tower Hamlets initially covering Brick Lane within the Cumulative Impact Zone. In 2016 it was extended to the rest of the borough, and there are currently 41 venues taking part in the scheme, an increase of just over 20% from 2018-19.
New applicants
Best Bar None (BBN) will operate on a yearly basis. This means it will last for one year beginning from the date you received your accreditation. Therefore, if you want to keep your Best Bar None Accreditation you would need to renew it each year. If you wish to keep your accreditation without a gap, you will need to apply again 3 months before your renewal date (i.e., the date you became accredited).
Award ceremony
Unfortunately, the award ceremony and associated awards will be discontinued. The BBN Scheme will now just include the initial assessment, a second assessment for those needing to improve to meet assessment criteria, and a formal notification of accreditation, where successful.
Who can enter
Subject to the Terms and Conditions, Best Bar None is open to any Licensed premises permitted to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises. This includes Pubs, Bars, Clubs, Restaurants etc.
To apply for the Best Bar None Scheme please download and complete the Application Form. Please send completed application forms to
Please also read the Terms and Conditions of the Scheme. You may also wish to read Best Bar None’s Leaflet “Getting ready for your assessment ”.
Best Bar None and the Late Night Levy
All venues that have achieved Best Bar None accreditation are entitled to 30% reduction to the Late Night Levy. This is done automatically and will be shown on your Licence Annual Fees and Charges reminder letter.
However you must have received your accreditation at least a month before the date that your Late Night Levy Charge is due. If you fail to become accredited one month before the date your Late Night Levy Charge is due, the 30% discount will be applied to the next years Late Night Levy Charge.