Social media
If you really want to know what's happening in the borough's day to day life, then follow our social media channels. They're the best place to keep on top of updates, find out how you can have your say when we're running consultations and find out what we're doing to make Tower Hamlets a better place to live.
Our central channels are the best place to start, and are the main source of news for residents, but you'll also be able to find some profiles with a more specific focus.
Tower Hamlets Council
Have the best of the borough right at your finger tips.
Twitter - @Towerhamletsnow
Facebook - Tower Hamlets Council Facebook
Instagram - @Towerhamletsnow
LinkedIn - London Borough of Tower Hamlets LinkedIn
Youtube - Tower Hamlets Council YouTube
Nextdoor - Search 'Tower Hamlets Council'
Other accounts

Get the latest news about your local community hub, including their regular events.
Our beloved Victoria Park has it's own account, full of gorgeous pics of the park and what's going on there.
Add some music to your life with details of performances from Tower Hamlets' Arts and Music Education Service.
Follow the Tower Hamlets Archive library for beautiful insights into your borough's history.
Never be bored again by keeping up to date with Tower Hamlets' vibrant arts and events scene.
Find out about sports events across the borough.
Get the first word on local jobs and employment initiatives.
Local businesses, this is your area for advice and support.
Get updates about town centres and markets in Tower Hamlets.
Annual Writeidea Festival celebrates the pleasure of reading.
Sports and Physical activity - LBTHSportsTeam
Keep up with the sports team and all the sporting activities going on the borough and leisure centre information.
Victoria Park - Victoria Park London
Get updated information about events going on in the nations favourite park
Tower Hamlets Events - Tower Hamlets Events
Get updates on all the events going on in the borough
Idea Stores - Idea Stores
Get the latest about library services and events.
Local History Library and Archives - THLHA
Follow the Tower Hamlets Archive library for beautiful insights into your borough's history.
Parks - Tower Hamlets Parks
See beautiful pictures and get updates about our 120+ parks, gardens and open spaces in the borough.
Tower Hamlets Youth - @lbthyouth
Stay updated with the Young Mayor and youth council.
Tower Hamlets Archives - @TowerHamletsArchives
Follow the Tower Hamlets Archive library to see pictures of what the borough looked like before.
The Pavilions, Mile End - @thepavilionsmileend
See pictures and find out more info about this venue for hire.
Tower Hamlets council
Flickr account with images from around the borough.