Forty rough sleepers who were bedding down on the streets of the East End in freezing temperatures earlier this month, were helped off the streets and given shelter - as part of emergency cold-weather plans put into action.
Tower Hamlets Council activated its Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) between 2 and 13 January, during a spell when overnight temperatures regularly dipped below freezing.
SWEP is triggered when the night-time temperature is forecast to fall to zero degrees Celsius or below for three consecutive nights.
40 out 54 rough sleepers accepted the emergency accommodation offered by the council during the cold snap and since 14 January, the council has continued to provide help and advice on housing options to those it sheltered.
Cllr Kabir Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding, said:
“Sub-zero temperatures can be life-threatening for anyone who is sleeping rough. As temperatures drop dangerously low, it is crucial that action is taken to provide rough sleepers with emergency shelter and to offer all the support we can.
“It is encouraging to see that not only did so many people sleeping rough accept the offer of emergency shelter, but most have now moved on to more stable, ongoing placements, whether in supported hostels, accommodation through adult social care, or our off-street housing.
“There may still be more extreme weather to come, so I urge the public to continue using the Streetlink service to alert us to any rough sleepers so we can offer this support."
How you can help
If you see someone sleeping rough, you can report it through Streetlink.
Rough sleepers can also refer themselves directly.
Streetlink will notify the St Mungo’s Outreach team, who are commissioned by the council to assess each individual and determine the most appropriate accommodation.
In cases where standard provisions aren’t suitable alternative emergency accommodation options are available.
As well as a safe place to sleep, food is provided to those who stay, and casework support is offered to help individuals move on to more stable housing arrangements.
If you are concerned about a rough sleeper during extreme weather, please contact Streetlink at 0300 500 0914 or visit
If someone is in immediate danger or needs medical assistance, is under 18 or is with someone who is under 18, call 999.
Posted on Friday 24th January 2025