Tower Hamlets appoints Georgia Chimbani to oversee health and adult social care

Georgia Chimbani

Tower Hamlets Council has appointed Georgia Chimbani to the role of Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care.

Tower Hamlets is the fastest growing and most densely populated place in the country. It is a borough of contrasts with extreme wealth and poverty including some of the most deprived places in the country.

Looking after our vulnerable residents and improving the quality of life for residents through better health management is a fundamental part of the council’s work.

In Tower Hamlets’ most deprived areas, the life expectancy is 11.4 years lower for men and 4.8 years lower for women compared to its the least deprived areas.

Tower Hamlets also has over 18,500 residents who provide unpaid care – that’s 6.4% of all residents aged 5 and over. Just over a quarter of households have at least one disabled person living within them.

Overall, according to the 2021 Census, 85.1% of Tower Hamlets residents described themselves as being in good or very good health, whereas 10% were in fair health, 3.6% in bad health and 1.3% in very bad health.

Georgia will lead on all aspects of health and adult social care ensuring high standards across the service, and importantly, working with residents, partners and staff to improve services.

She takes up her new position with an impressive record in social care leadership, most recently as Director of Adult and Community services at Suffolk County Council. Georgia was previously the Director for Local Delivery at Essex County Council playing a key role in adult social care delivery.

She is a registered Social Worker and throughout her career, spanning 28 years in social care organisations, she has been a strong advocate for practitioner led research and practice to deliver positive outcomes for people and communities. She is passionate about the promotion of equality, non-discriminatory practice, and empowerment of communities.

Steve Halsey, Chief Executive of Tower Hamlets Council, said:

“Georgia will play an important part in strengthening our Corporate Leadership Team to deliver one of the most ambitious agendas in local government.

“As both the fastest growing and most densely populated place in the country, Tower Hamlets faces both tremendous challenges and opportunities in both health and adult social care.

“Together we will be able to improve more lives at a faster rate.”

 Georgia Chimbani said:

 “Tower Hamlets is one of the most dynamic and iconic places in the country and I’m looking forward to making a difference.

 “Having started out as a social worker, I will combine first hand experience of working on the front line, with the strategic approach of working with partners and the third sector to deliver the best outcomes and support our residents to live longer, healthier lives.”

Georgia will join Tower Hamlets Council in September.



Posted on Wednesday 5th June 2024