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All our sexual health services and clinics in the borough are confidential and professional services which are fast and free to use and delivered by friendly professionals.  

Elop - is a local holistic lesbian and gay mental health charity based in East London that offers a range of social, emotional and support services to LGBT communities, and core services include advice and information, counselling and young people’s services. Visit elop for more information

London Friend – LGBT charity that support the health and mental wellbeing of the LGBT community in and around London. Visit London Friend


Clinic S – provided by All East, is a free and confidential service to women, men, trans and gender non-binary individuals, working in the sex or adult entertainment industry for sexual health. 

Support services – you can find more information about accessing wider support such as Beyond the Streets using our support services section



Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication you can take to reduce your risk of HIV infection. People who at high risk of becoming infected with HIV are eligible for PrEP, if you are unsure whether you are eligible you can get advice or start taking PrEP by booking an appointment with our sexual health service.  

PEPSE - Post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV after sexual exposure is a four week course of HIV medication you can take after unprotected sex or a condom accident, to reduce your risk of becoming HIV positive. PEPSE must be started within 72 hours of the unprotected sex or condom accident. It is best to start PEPSE as soon as possible.  

You can get PREP and PEPSE at sexual health specialist centres: the Ambrose King Centre and the Sir Ludwig Guttmann Centre. If the centres are closed, you can access PEPSE at your nearest emergency department.  

Positive East  

Positive East offer a comprehensive and holistic range of HIV support and prevention services. They can help you with: 

  • HIV/STI testing and advice 

  • information and advice (benefits, housing, immigration, etc.) 

  • peer support and mentoring 

  • support groups 

  • counselling 

  • specialist support for HIV positive women who are asylum seekers or refugees and who have experienced violence or trauma 

  • health and wellbeing activities (e.g. acupuncture, mindfulness, yoga, women gym sessions, etc.)  

For more information you can call 020 7791 2855 or e-mail talktome@positiveeast.org.uk or visit 159 Mile End Road, London E1 4AQ.  


For more information on help after sexual abuse, please see our directory about support services for sexual abuse (including online sexual abuse).  

If you are a child or young person you can find out more information on support services for children and young people.  

If you are concerned about the welfare or safety of a child/young person, you should contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub or call the police on 999 if the child is in immediate danger.  

Female Genital Cutting Support 

Primrose Clinic, Mile End Hospital - a community-based clinic that offers a range of support services for women affected by FGM, Bancroft Road, E1 4DG, 020 7377 7898 

Sister Circle – women’s charity organization that provides holistic support for women experiencing health complications as a result of cutting. Visit Sister Circle for more information.  


Use the NHS Contraception guide  to find out about the different methods available on the NHS, together with where to get them and how to decide which method might work best for you. 

Get free condoms 

C-Card scheme - Young people, aged between 13 and 24 years old can access FREE condoms in a variety of locations (called Outlets) across London. Once registered you can collect condoms or get advice from any Outlet displaying the Come Correct logo. The C-Card scheme is easy, free and confidential. For more information on how to register visit C-Card Scheme

Emergency Contraception 

There are different types of emergency contraception. 

  • It could be taken orally as a pill (commonly called the morning after pill). This is best taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. It is likely to be easier and faster to go to your local pharmacy to get this. If you cannot get this from the pharmacy then please book an emergency contraception appointment online through All East. 

  • There is also the Emergency intrauterine device (IUD) which is the most effective form of emergency contraception available. To access emergency IUD, you can walk into the sexual health clinic at Ambrose King Centre or call 0207 4804737. 


1. If I sell my vehicle, can I keep my permit until I buy a new car? No - your permit must be cancelled in line with the permit terms and conditions, but you do not lose your right to a new permit under the PTS.

2. If I sell my vehicle, but I do not buy a new one, can I transfer my permit to another householder? No - but you are allowed to apply for a new permit under the PTS after you cancel your permit.

3. If I cancel my permit or it expires, can I apply for a new one? Yes - if you currently hold a permit or you moved into the property from 30 November.

4. If someone in the household cancels their permit, can I apply for a new one under the PTS? Yes

5. If my partner moves into the property, can they apply for a permit? Yes - but they must provide a letter from the Council or Housing Association to confirm that they have moved into the property.

6. If the blue badge holder no longer qualifies for a blue badge or they no longer need a permit, can I apply for a new one under the PTS? Yes - but the blue badge holder’s resident permit must first be cancelled.

7. If an active permit has been issued under the blue badge exemption, can I also apply for a permit under the PTS? No - as a household is only allowed one permit under the blue badge exemption or PTS.


There is a duty for all English and Welsh councils to provide a scrutiny function under Local Government Act (2000) and Localism Act (2011) where there is an elected Executive Mayor and Cabinet Structure. Whilst scrutiny is not a decision-making body, it does have the authority to act as a ‘critical friend’ and provide a robust checks and balance function.

In 2019, the UK Government published and set out statutory guidance for overview and scrutiny function due to its importance to the successful functioning of local democracy.

To fulfil and support its role, councillors and co-optees on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee can and will:

  • Hold the executive to account through scrutinising the council’s performance and key decisions affecting residents and the wider community
  • Monitor Cabinet decisions to ensure they are robust and good value for money, particularly through budget scrutiny
  • Work together as an independent group to raise issues, pre-decision scrutiny questions and consider decisions that are call-ins
  • Request elected Mayor and Cabinet Member to attend the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and explain their decisions, council plans and performance
  • Request the executive to submit a report to Full Council if it feels that a key decision has been taken without being published in advance.

Data controller and purpose

The information you provide will be used by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets’ Corporate Strategy and Policy Service, to process your suggestions for Overview and Scrutiny to review.

We have received your personal data from you and will use this for informing the scrutiny work programme.

We process your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and if you have any concerns the council’s data protection officer can be contacted on DPO@towerhamlets.gov.uk.

Condition for processing personal data

It is necessary for us to process your personal data (name, address, contact details), under the GDPR with consent. A delay in you providing the information requested may result in a delay in providing appropriate services.

How long do we keep your information?

We will only hold your information for as long as is required by law and to provide you with the necessary services. This is likely to be for 12 months after the case is closed. For further details, you can view our retention schedule.

We may also anonymise some personal data you provide to us to ensure that you cannot be identified and use this for statistical analysis of data to allow the Council to effectively target and plan the provision of services.

Information sharing

The council has a duty to protect public funds and may use personal information and data-matching techniques to detect and prevent fraud, and ensure public money is targeted and spent in the most appropriate and cost-effective way. Information may be shared with internal services and external bodies like the Audit Commission, Department for Work and Pensions, other local authorities, HM Revenue and Customs, and the Police. This activity is carried out under social protection law.

We have a duty to improve the health of the population we serve. To help with this, we use data and information from a range of sources including hospitals to understand more about the nature and causes of disease and ill-health in the area. This data would normally be anonymised and never used to make decisions on a specific individual or family.

Your rights

You can find out more about your rights on our data protection page and this includes details of your rights about automated decisions, such as the ranking of housing applications, and how to complain to the Information Commissioner.


1. If I moved from an overcrowded property before 30 November 2023, can I apply for a permit? No - because these changes took effect from the date that cabinet approved them.

2. My previous application was rejected before 30 November 2023, can I apply again if I meet the new criteria? No - because these changes took effect from the date that cabinet approved them.

3. I was issued with a permit under the old scheme, but my permit was cancelled or expired on or after 30 November 2023, can I apply for a new permit? Yes - but when you do apply for a new permit you must provide the proofs as stated on the resident permit webpage.

4. Do I need to have held a permit prior to moving to a car free property? No - as the qualifying period has been removed.

5. Is there a time limit to apply for a permit after moving? No - but when you do apply for a permit you must provide the proofs as stated on the resident permit webpage.

6. If I move from a private rented property to a larger social rented car free property, can I apply for a permit under the PTS? Yes - as you are no longer required to have moved from a social-to-social rented property.

7. Does the applicant have to be named on the tenancy agreement? No - but you must provide a letter from the Council or Housing Association to confirm that the property is your main or principal home.

8. If I move to a car free property with the same number of bedrooms, can I apply for a permit under the PTS? No

9. I am living in temporary accommodation and Tower Hamlets Council have accepted a full homeless duty. I have received a permanent offer at a car free property, which has more bedrooms than our temporary accommodation, do we qualify under the PTS? Yes, but when you do apply for a permit you must provide the proofs as stated on the resident permit webpage.

10. If I do a mutual exchange from a social-to-social rented property with less or more bedrooms, can I apply for a permit under the PTS? Yes - providing that you are living in an overcrowded or under-occupied property. 

11. Does this scheme apply to a property owner or shared ownership? No - as the scheme is only available for residents moving into social housing.


Some applications will require more proof:

Resident (Blue Badge Holder) - Image of blue badge (front side)

Registered carer - Letter of authorisation from your employer confirming you are employed by a registered company and are caring for a resident of the London borough of Tower Hamlets

Un-registered carer - one of the below

  • Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) letter within the latest tax year (of the resident)
  • Personal independence Plan (PIP) letter  within the latest tax year (of the resident)

Local GP -  Letter of authorisation from the GP surgery Practice Manager confirming you are employed at the practice



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