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Most schools in Tower Hamlets remained open for vulnerable children and children of key workers during lockdown. More schools have been reopening in phases since June, as the spread of the virus slowed down and now the number of people with the infection is low.


The family and the school will be contacted by Public Health England. They will give advice to close contacts and will support the school to stop the virus spreading to other people. The school will let parents know and will say what they are doing to protect the school community.

Close contacts will be advised to stay at home but will not usually be tested unless they develop symptoms.


If your child develops symptoms, you should arrange a test right away. If they are at home, keep them there for at least ten days (or until a negative test result comes back). If your child is at school and develops symptoms, they will be sent home for at least ten days.

Other people in your household will need to isolate with them for at least 14 days and be tested too.

Currently, positive test results for Covid-19 happen in less than one per cent of cases, and this number is falling.

If you are being tested, you should support NHS Test and Trace with their contact tracing to protect our schools and communities.


Anyone who has tested positive with Covid-19 should isolate for at least ten days. Anyone in their household should isolate for at least 14 days.

They need to tell NHS contact tracers that their children attend a school or childcare setting.


If you are a close contact of someone with Covid-19, speaking with contact tracers will help stop the spread of infection.

Please do not ignore their messages even if you think you’re okay. Take part to help keep our community safe.


If you, or anyone in your household has symptoms, you should stay at home and get tested right away.

Call 119 or visit https://nhs.uk/coronavirus.

For children under five, call 111 or visit https://111.nhs.uk for more advice.


Anyone with a new continuous cough, fever or a change or loss in their sense of taste or smell should get tested right away.

Visit https://nhs.uk/coronavirus for more information


Where possible, walk or cycle to your school and avoid public transport.

Check this page for regular updates on active travel and visit https://tfl.gov.uk/reopeningeducation for more information on active travel choices.


No. There is no need for anything other than proper handwashing and their normal personal hygiene routine, following a day at school (source).

Yes, you can park in the Lido Car Park or St Marks Car Park. You shouldn’t travel with someone outside of your household unless you can practice social distancing - for example by cycling. You must only travel in a car with members of your own household.
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