A to Z


Product safety

Our trading standards service advises on and enforces a wide range of laws designed to ensure the safety of consumer goods and products and the protection of consumers in the borough

Professional Development Centre

The Professional Development Centre (PDC) is an affordable dedicated meeting, training, event and conference venue. Based in the heart of East London, on the Bethnal Green Road.

Proposal to amalgamate Guardian Angels RC and St Anne's RC Primary Schools

Find out how to have your say on proposals to merge Guardian Angels RC and St Anne's RC Primary Schools.

Protective security

Protect is part of the counter-terrorism strategy, and it aims is to keep the public safe by strengthening the protection against a terrorist attack.

Provider Zone

Organisations providing services, commissioners and operational teams.

Psycho-active Substances (e.g. Nitrous Oxide) PSPO

We introduced a borough-wide PSPO which makes it an offence to use nitrous oxide (or other psychoactive substances) and engage in antisocial behaviour, which is a concern for residents across the borough.

Public Health

Meet members of the Public Health team

Public Lecture. Wars Within Wars: Black History's Warning to the World

A Public Lecture by Professor Vincent Brown (Harvard)

Public service parking permit

You are employed by a public service organisation, and you need a permit to carry out your day-to-day duties.

Public service voucher terms and conditions

Tower Hamlets public service vouchers terms and conditions
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