Proposed Introduction of a Traffic Management Order - Bethnal Green West
You may be aware that a statutory consultation was conducted last year regarding the implementation of a Traffic Management Order in the below areas:
The Council is now proposing to introduce a Traffic Management Order (TMO) and enforcement of parking controls for allocated numbered parking bays within the Bethnal Green Estates Off-Street Car Parks. The benefits of this proposed order will be to remove obstructive parking and allow priority parking for residents of the estate.
The Council proposes to make changes to the following Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) THE TOWER HAMLETS (OFF-STREET PARKING PLACES) ORDER 2021.
The effect of these proposals will be to amend the Council Off-Street Parking Places Order to include your estate. This will provide designated parking places for Resident permit holder, Blue badge holders (3 hours max stay no return same day) Disabled Badge holders, Motorcycles, Visitors and Contractors. For permit holder parking bays, vehicles must be parked wholly within permitted individual numbered parking bays with a valid permit commensurate to that bay; ‘ At any time’ waiting restrictions (double-yellow lines) will be provided on all on-street kerbside not designated as parking, in these off-street areas (car parks), vehicles would be prohibited from waiting other than in marked out parking bays.
The Council is required to publish Notices in the local press and to erect site Notices about the proposed introduction of a Traffic Management Order on the Bethnal Green Estate. This provides a 21-day period for representation and objections to be made. Any objections or other representations about the proposed Orders should be sent by emailing or in writing to TMO Parking Team, Tower Hamlets Council Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ. All objections must specify the grounds on which they are made and received by 5th March 2025.
What Happens Next?
Once the public consultation period has ended, and if there are no objections received, we will begin the process of making changes within car parking areas to reflect the new arrangements. This will include re-lining new and existing parking bays, re-numbering of bays and installing the appropriate signage throughout estates to reflect the new parking arrangements. We expect this work to be complete by the end of April 2025.
Following the completion of this work, we will write to residents with further details about the bay allocation process and how to apply to a permit before the changes and enforcement comes into effect. We expect to be ready for this from May 2025 onwards as there is a large programme of work to complete.