Disabled facilities grant

If you are a disabled homeowner or private tenant who finds it difficult to manage around the home, we can help.

It could be as simple as putting in a handrail on your stairs or building a ramp up to your front door. We can also help with bigger works like stair-lifts or showers.

The council is committed to making disabled facilities grant  available to all eligible owner-occupiers, tenants and landlords, so that disabled residents can remain safe and independent in their own homes.

The maximum funding available is £30,000.

The grants are also means tested and depending on your financial situation, you may have to make a contribution towards the cost of the works. In cases of genuine hardship, 'top up' finding may be available from social services, and in some cases additional discretionary funding may be available.

Applications for disabled facilities grants will be subject to an assessment by the council's occupational therapy service to establish your specific functional needs.

These grants are not normally available to council tenants, as other sources of funding are available to adapt council homes.

How to apply

By email, mail or by referral cards and by phone between 9am – 5pm

Further information


Fateha Begum
Tel: 020 7364 2572
Email: fateha.begum@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Philmore Walker
Tel: 020 7364 0823
Email: philmore.walker@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Adulk Ali
Tel: 020 7364 4564
Email: abulk.ali@towerhamlets.gov.uk