Elizabeth Selby Primary School
The works include:
Extension to the staffroom.
Extension to the headteacher's room.
Extension to the print room and reception office.
New canopy between the main school block and nursery to form an internal play area.
New Early Literacy Support and Ethnic Minorities Achievements rooms.
New fully accessible parents room.
Maintenance and condition repair works to existing building fabric, including the roof.
The design team held a consultation workshop with the key stakeholders, school staff and pupils and discussed design issues associated with the existing school building including access issues. One of the comments related to improving the connection between the main school building and the nursery. The new covered link play area between the two buildings will be an obvious improvement for the school pupils and staff.
The administration areas to the northwest corner of the existing building are to be extended to increase the size of the staffroom, headteacher's room, print room and reception area. The indoor space of the main building, adjacent to the extension, will be reconfigured to give a new Early Literacy Support (ELS) and Ethnic Minorities Achievements (EMA) room. A new parents' room will be provided which will be fully accessible serving both the school and the wider community.
The design and materials will complement the existing building facades, creating a fresher looking external environment and more dynamic spaces internally. The new indoor play area will utilise large elements of glass to either end of the space to create a light play area which is visually connected with the landscape.
Some maintenance and refurbishment work has already been completed in 2009 in the classrooms and corridor areas to install skylights and repair roofing. The main works are currently under construction and are due for completion towards the end of 2010.