4.Measuring success
The actions in this plan will be incorporated into the Strategic Plan Delivery Plan. The Delivery Plan is monitored on a quarterly basis and performance is reported to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet.
In addition to this, the Corporate Equalities Board will monitor delivery in key areas of the plan and assess success against performance data and data from other sources, such as the Annual Residents Survey’, engagement with marginalised groups in the borough and residents lived experiences, and other national, regional, and local data sets.
We will use the Equality Framework for Local Government (EFLG) to benchmark our performance. The framework has 4 elements:
- Understanding and working with your communities.
- Leadership and organisational commitment.
- Responsive services and customer care.
- Diverse and engaged workforce.
As we implement this plan, we will undertake a self-assessment against the EFLG Framework and invite peer challenge and support to ensure that our performance and progress is credible and robust.
As set out in our Equality Policy, we have a specific duty to publish equality information about our employees and residents who share a protected characteristic as part of the public sector equality duty. We will continue publishing information that is accessible and helps us to shape interventions and meet the needs of our service users and community.
Next page: Equality objective 1: Work with communities across the borough