This Repair Week Tower Hamlets are celebrating with a Repair and Swap event in the Grocers Wing at the Town Hall. Come, save money and reduce waste by learning how to repair clothes and bikes. Find some second-hand treasures and pass on your unwanted clothes or books.
All activities are free.
We’ve got three fantastic workshops:
- Bike maintenance and repairs: Bring your bike to get it fixed by Bikeworks mechanics
- Clothes mending workshop: Learn to repair treasured clothing with SunnyJar Eco Hub
- Make creative fabric patches for mending holes and frayed sections of clothing. This workshop will involve fabric paint and printing with pre-made designs onto patches.
We will also have a clothes and book swap event taking place.
Clothes and Book Swap: How to take part
- Bring up to 15 clean clothing items or books between 10.30 and 11.30am. Get tokens in exchange.
- Take a break after dropping off your items- attend a workshop or return later when swapping begins.
- From 12 to 1.30pm, pick out up to 15 new-to-you clothing pieces or books. Use your tokens for the exchange.
- All clothes and shoes are accepted, including items for babies, children, and men. No underwear or swimwear, though.
Please make sure all items are clean and in good condition without any marks, stains, or holes. Only bring items you would want to take with you.
We will inspect all items before giving out tokens. Books need to be in good condition and will count as part of the 15 items you can bring.
Any clothes or books left at the end of the swap will go to the next swap or be collected by our charity partner Triad.
For more information on Triad (who also offer home collections across the borough), please visit the recycle and reuse page.