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British government policies

Between 26 March and 16 December 1971, a bloody war raged across East Pakistan.  It was caused by the Pakistani army's violent intervention to put down a Bengali rebellion. The East Pakistanis were demanding the transfer of power based on the December 1970 general election result.

Throughout the war, Britain maintained a neutral position. Members of the government at the same time expressed deep concerns about the conflict and called for an end to the bloodshed in East Pakistan.

On 6 April 1971 the Daily Mirror reported an example of the British neutrality policy. Sir Alec Douglas-Home, the Foreign Secretary, said that Britain had ‘no intention of interfering in Pakistan’s internal affairs’, but that they were making a ‘strong diplomatic effort to end the bloodshed in East Pakistan’.

The paper pointed out the efforts of the Prime Minister, Edward Heath, who had expressed his deep concerns' to President Yahya Khan. The Pakistan ruler was advised to settle the differences through negotiations.

Many British politicians demanded actions to end the carnage. Some visited war-torn East Pakistan and the border areas in India and reported on what that they had observed.

On 16 April 1971, the Kensington Post reported that Bruce Douglas-Mann, Labour MP for North Kensington, had tabled a House of Commons motion, signed by 186 MPs from all parties. It requested the British government to use its influence to end the fighting.

This initiative was undertaken directly in response to ‘members of the small Pakistani community in North Kensington’ calling on the MPs’ support. Bruce Douglas-Mann opposed the neutral position of the British Government, considering it unjustified.

British local newspapers reported three visits to Pakistan by delegations of MPs, who wanted to see for themselves the reality on the ground and how things were unfolding.

British MPs Visits to East Pakistan

Visit No.1

The Daily Mirror and the Birmingham Daily Post reported on 28 and 29 April 1971 respectively, that four British MPs had just returned from a week-long visit to East Pakistan.

Bruce Douglas-Mann MP, the delegation’s spokesperson, said that, based on his observations and what people on the ground had told him, he ‘would like to see Britain recognise Bangla Desh’.

He claimed that there was a genocide taking place in East Pakistan. The Pakistani army was committing ‘indiscriminate killing of men, women and children’. People on the ground had told the visitors that the Pakistanis had a ‘deliberate plan to cut the population’ of East Pakistan as they wanted 'the land and not the people.’

On 15 May 1971, the Belfast Telegraph reported that Rev. Ian Paisley, MP for North Antrim, had made a ‘strong plea on behalf of the people of East Pakistan’. He supported a ‘private member’s motion calling on the Government to use its influence to end the strife'. The motion was also called to 'achieve a political settlement that will respect the democratic rights of the people of East Pakistan’.

Rev. Paisley thought that the apathy about what was happening in East Pakistan shown by those in many circles was a tragedy. He thought that it 'ought to be utterly and totally condemned’. But he rejected drawing any similarities between the conflicts in Northern Ireland and East Pakistan. He thought that ‘no such parallel existed’.

Visit No.2

On 28 June 1971 the Birmingham Daily Post reported that Mrs. Jill Knight, Conservative MP for Edgbaston, Birmingham, had just returned from a nine day ‘unrestricted visit’ to Pakistan. On 31 May 1971 the Belfast Telegraph added that the visit, which left Britain for Pakistan on 11 June 1971, was led by Jill Knight and included James Kilfedder (Unionist, North Down, James Tinn (Labour. Cleveland) and Ernest Armstrong (Labour. North West Durham).

She claimed that ‘there was no evidence of continuing oppression and bloodshed’ and that ‘atrocities had been committed on both sides in the civil war’. The ‘ten thousand Bangla Desh supporters at a mass rally in Birmingham yesterday’, denounced the MP for her report on their ‘on-the-spot investigation in Pakistan’.

But in response to questions by the newspaper, she said, ‘Surely anyone who really cares for the millions who have suffered so much in East Pakistan must recognise that the top priority now for these people is a return to normality’. Her intention was to report objectively, which she believes, she had done.

The crowd passed a resolution “regretting” Mrs. Jill Knight's report. It urged ‘governments throughout the world to recognise Bangla Desh as a sovereign independent State’.

The speakers at the rally included: ‘Mr Justice Abu Chowdhury, special representative of Bangla Desh and city Labour MPs, Mr. Julius Silverman (Aston), Mr. Denis Howell (Small Heath), and Mrs. Doris Fisher (Ladywood).’

Visit No.3

On 1 July 1971 the Coventry Telegraph reported the views of Mr. Toby Jessel, Tory MP for Twickenham, who had just returned from visiting East Pakistan.  He was part of an all-party delegation of four MPs led by Mr Arthur Bottomley (former Commonwealth Secretary) that included Mr Reginal Prentice (Labour) and Mr. James Ramsden (Labour).

He said ‘that the Pakistani Army in East Pakistan has gone far beyond what was necessary to maintain law and order’ and was being ‘uncivilized’. The delegation ‘had seen about 80 children with bullet wounds’. He thought that President Yahya Khan may not be fully aware of the atrocities being committed in the East. During their five days visit the MPs had also visited refugee camps and hospitals in India and met the Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, and the foreign minister. Mr. Swaran Singh.

On 5 July 1971 the Birmingham Daily Post pointed out that Jill Knight and Toby Jessel differed in their assessments of the situation. The safety of East Pakistani refugees returning from camps in India was an example of such a difference.

Jill Knight ‘deplored the constant statements that it was not safe for refugees to return because the authorities were doing all they could to make it safe’. She justified her view on the ground that she was being objective. She said she had ‘deliberately sought out British people’ when she was there because she felt that she could ‘rely on their evidence’.

Toby Jessel differed on this by 180 degrees and said in the House of Commons that ‘it would be wrong to advise refugees to return’.

The next day, the Birmingham Daily Post reported that Jill Knight had ‘written to President Yahya Khan asking for an investigation into the latest allegations about the persecution of civilians in East Pakistan’. She also said that she “could find no evidence that the killing or wounding of innocent people was continuing’.

On 4 August 1971 the Birmingham Daily Post reported that more than 130 MPs from all parties had signed a motion by Mr. John Stonehouse, Labour MP for Wednesbury. It urged that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman should be released from detention in Pakistan. This was a pre-requisite to ensuring an early political settlement “to the massive human disaster in East Pakistan.”

The Birmingham Daily Post reported on 6 May 1971, that Mr. John Stonehouse had been to the region previously. And this was ‘his first assignment’ as ‘the Director of Development for War on Want’ – he visited refugee camps in India, near Calcutta, in April 1971, ‘to assess the needs of refugees’.

Relief Work and The Danger of Famine 

 On 5 May 1971 the Birmingham Daily Post reported that the British Government was planning to use a DC-8 aircraft to fly in supplies to East Pakistan, collected by Oxfam, War on Want, Christian Aid and the Red Cross.

In total, these amounted to ‘three tons of milk powder, a quarter of a ton of vitamin tablets and as many tents as can be packed into the aircraft for people living in camps in East Pakistan'. The government estimated that supplies collected would feed a ‘quarter of a million refugees’ in East Pakistan and a smaller number in India.

The British Government and aid agencies expressed concerns about a possible famine. They thought that it ‘could follow in about four months unless planting takes place quickly before monsoons begin’.

The Prime Minister, Edward Heath, said that Britain should use its influence to find a political solution. He also said that Britain would continue to be involved in providing aid regardless of the ‘political aspects of a country’s national life’. ‘The Prime Minister agreed with another MP about the need for observers'. He said that 'If there were allegations and misrepresentations, the healthiest way of dealing with it was to allow in observers to see for themselves’. 

On 1 July 1971 Coventry Telegraph reported that Mr. Arther Bottomley (Labour, Middlesbrough East) would like to hear some condemnation of the army’s excesses. He was the leader of the delegations of four MPs that visited the conflict region in late June 1971.

Mr. Bottomley said that there was a danger of famine in East Pakistan later in the year. He suggested that the United Nations should act now and take food stocks to the area, under UN supervision, rather than wait until the situation became serious. 

Mr. Reg. Prentice (Labour, East Ham North) described East Pakistan as being “in the grip of fear”. The refugee situation was one of the most terrible of the century. A political solution was imperative. But he thought that this must involve Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He thought that President Yahya Khan's proposal for a solution in a recent broadcast was inadequate. 

On 9 September 1971, the Birmingham Daily Post reported the arrest of British relief workers who entered East Pakistan. ‘Four members of the London-based relief team known as Operation Omega’, were ‘detained as they crossed into East Pakistan'. They are 'to be tried by the Pakistan Army for entering the country illegally'. The individuals were Miss Christiane Pratt, Miss Joyce Keniwell, Mr Ben Crow (all British) and Mr Dane Due, an American. 

The Birmingham Daily Post reported on 13 October 1971 that two 20-year-old relief workers have been jailed for two years by the Pakistani Authorities. They were Mr Gordon Slaven, a Londoner and Ellen Connect, from Philadelphia.

The British government stated that ‘the UN was best able to co-ordinate the international relief effort. It was only through the UN that international relief could be made available on the scale required to avert “a further major human tragedy.” 

The opposition spokesman on foreign affairs, Mr Healey, said: “there is widespread concern at the possibility that millions of human beings and possibly tens of millions may die before Christmas, unless more effective action is taken by the UN”. 

Alec Douglas-Home, the Foreign Secretary, said that he would discuss the matter with the Indian Foreign Minister in New York and thought that it was ‘necessary for both India and Pakistan to co-operate with the UN”. Mr John Stonehouse (Labour. Wednesbury) pointed out that a political solution was impossible unless Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was released. 

On 19 October 1971 the Birmingham Daily Post reported that Britain defended its record of the aid that it had provided to the ‘victims of the East Pakistan tragedy’. On 18 October 1971, the Foreign Secretary announced that a further £8.5m would be ‘made available for relief work among Pakistani refugees in India’. Furthermore, Britain would play its 'full part in preventing the deaths through starvation or disease of hundreds of thousands of people'. He pointed out that this would bring the total contribution of Britain to £16.75m. 

Christian Aid criticized both the British government’s reluctance to respond earlier and the poor responses from wealthy countries around the world. 

On 5 November 1971, the Birmingham Daily Post reported that an ‘appeal went out from the Commons last night for other nations to match British aid to India for refugees from East Bengal’. This was during the ‘third days debate on the Queen’s Speech, when Mr. Godber, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said that ‘Britain had contributed one-fifth of the total aid so far given to India’. 

He also said that Britain was exploring with the UN the ‘possibility of providing 100 Land Rovers, 50 three-ton trucks and a number of dumper trucks each of which could carry two tons of food’ within East Pakistan. But Mr John Stonehouse, Labour MP for Wednesbury, expressed concerns that the ‘vehicles’ could be ‘requisitioned for the Pakistan forces’. If that were to happen then, assured Mr. Godbar, the ‘British Government would make a very strong protest’. 

It was also pointed out that, if needed, the British Government was ready to ‘provide supplies of the cholera vaccine’. 

The opposition spokesperson, ‘Shadow Minister of Overseas Development, Mrs. Judith Hart, said that ‘Britain had special responsibility for the British Commonwealth’. As such, 'without a public exercising of its role by Britain - as private pressure was not enough - other countries could not be expected to respond to the urgent situation in East Pakistan'.

International focus

On 2 August 1971 the Birmingham Daily Post reported that there was a rally by 20,000 Bengalis in Trafalgar Square. It took place the day before under the banner “Recognise Bangla Desh”.

At the event, “Lord Brockway called on the Government' to 'demand an immediate meeting of the United Nations Security Council to end the tragedy of East Pakistan”. He pointed out that there was a ‘real danger of war between Pakistan and India’, which might ‘involve Russia, China, America and Britain’.

Mr. John Stonehouse, Labour MP, who had visited ‘Bangla Desh and refugee camps in India', said that millions could face starvation as ‘the rice crop had not been planted’.  He asked for direct UN action to deal with the situation in what he described as “the worst man-made disaster since Hitler”.

He said that ‘Bangla Desh should be recognized as a sovereign state, and there should be a massive aid programme to save the people and return the seven million refugees to their homes’. At the end of the rally, he ‘led a delegation which handed in a petition at No 10 Downing Street calling on Britain to bring the East Pakistan question before the Security Council’. 

The Birmingham Daily Post reported on 3 August 1971 that the Pakistan government had threatened to quit the Commonwealth. This was in response to ‘protest against Britain’s attitude over the East Pakistan situation’.

A few days later, the Daily Mirror reported, on 5 August 1971, that fifteen Bengali diplomats stationed at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington left their jobs. They ‘asked for political asylum’. The newspaper described seven of them as being top envoys. They claimed that President Yahya Khan’s Government was turning the eastern wing of Pakistan into a “land of death and terror”. 

On 9 September 1971, Birmingham Daily Post reported that the foreign secretary, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, informed the House of Commons that he would have talks with the United Nations. He would be meeting U Thant, UN Secretary-General, in New York the following week to discuss the situation in East Bengal. He also ‘welcomed President Yahya Khan’s proposals for the return of a civilian administration’ and thought that this was a “step towards the development of the restoration of an elected civilian government”. 

On 26 November 1971, the Daily Mirror reported that President Yahya Khan had asked 'Britain to step in’. This was the time that things were moving towards the final showdown, which is clear from the perspectives of hindsight. Border clashes between Pakistan and India were increasing along the eastern wing. The President of Pakistan ‘called on Britain to intervene in his country’s dispute with India’. He requested Britain to use ‘its influence to restrain India' from its “aggressive course”. 

The Daily Mirror pointed out that the call for British help was in response to ‘a series of major incidents along the Bengal border yesterday’. There were no reports on this from the Indian side in the Daily Mirror. According to the Pakistani account that the paper reported, their ‘troops killed 330 Indian soldiers in the attacks, and then followed up with a major counter-offensive’. President Yahya Khan stated that they "wish to avoid conflagration but the situation is leading the two countries to the point of no return”. 

The Daily Mirror also reported that President Nixon had phoned the British Prime Minister, Edward Heath, to discuss the situation. They focused on the ‘border fighting and the crisis brought about by the Bengali rebellion in East Pakistan’. 

On 5 December 1971 the Sunday Mirror reported that there was 'widespread fear in India that China’ was ‘planning to enter the war with Pakistan'. Lieutenant-General Jagjit Singh Aurora, the chief of Indian’s Eastern Command, said that ‘we cannot let our guard down in the North’. 

India claimed that they had used ‘British-made Hunter fighter-bombers' to shoot 'down Pakistani Sabre fighters near Dacca’. 

The Birmingham Daily Post reported on 6 December 1971, that Russia had cast ‘its second veto within 24 hours today to paralyse the United Nations Security Council’s efforts to bring about a ceasefire and troop withdrawals in the Indian sub-continent’. 

The resolution had called for ‘measures for an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of their armed forces on the territory of the other side to their own side of the India-Pakistan order’. It was submitted by Argentina, Belgium, Burundi, Italy, Japan, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone and Somali. As an ally of Pakistan ‘China voted for the resolution, along with the U.S. and nine other members’, but Britain and France abstained. 

On 7 December 1971 the Birmingham Daily Post reported that Indian troops were pushing deep into ‘East Pakistan from 15 points’, penetrating as much as 40 miles into the country, and that Mrs Indira Gandhi had recognised ‘Bangla Desh’. The US administration suspended ‘economic aid worth £33 million to India because of its continued military actions against Pakistan. 

The Belfast Telegraph reported on 10 December 1971, that ‘China warned India that it would suffer a shameful defeat if it failed to heed a United Nations call for a ceasefire with Pakistan’. This was made in response to Pakistan’s readiness to ‘accept a UN General Assembly call for a ceasefire with India and mutual withdrawal of troops’. Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, however, rejected Pakistan’s new offer. She ‘declared that India would “take all steps” to establish an independent Bangla Desh in East Pakistan’. 

On 14 December 1971 the Birmingham Daily Post reported that a ‘new initiative by Britain to achieve a ceasefire could take place within the next few days’. However, the British Government would not ‘act hastily’ in this regard due to various uncertainties. 

Earlier, Britain did not want to support any peace move at the UN that did not have the support of Russia. But now, it was making ‘efforts to seek “practical means” of bringing the fighting to an end'. They were seeking to achieve this through discussion with other members of the Security Council’.

The paper pointed out that ‘Russia will not pressure India into accepting a ceasefire until Pakistan’s military effectiveness in East Pakistan has been destroyed’. This could follow ‘after the fall of Dacca’. 

The British Prime Minister was able to arrange a ‘temporary ceasefire around Dacca airport' to enable the 'evacuation of British subjects and other foreign nationals’. This showed that ‘Edward Heath was ‘in close touch with both Mrs. Indira Gandhi and President Yahya Khan’.

The Foreign Secretary, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, congratulated the ‘skill of the Services in airlifting 1,300 people from Dacca, Karachi and Islamabad airports’, which was echoed by the Shadow Foreign Secretary, Denis Healy.



This year, Bangladesh and the Bengali diaspora in the UK are celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh's independence. The celebration starts on 26 March 2021 and ends on 26 March 2022.

1947 Partition of British India 

In 1947, partition gave way to two new states. These were India, with a Hindu majority population and Pakistan, with a Muslim majority population. Pakistan is comprised of two distinct areas, separated both culturally, and geographically. India filled the thousand miles of land between these two regions. Political power was concentrated in West Pakistan, which led to grievances in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

1947 – 1971 Pakistan period - Bengali language movement

In 1948, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan's Governor-General, declared that "Urdu, and only Urdu" would be Pakistan's state language. This decision was unacceptable to Bengalis and led to birth of the language movement. Urdu was hardly spoken by anybody in the East.  The decision led to protests. On 20 February 1952, the Pakistani Government issued Section 144, restricting gatherings and rallies.

21 February 1952 – Martyrs’ DayMartyrs’ Day gathering (laying wreaths) by young people at Altab Ali Park, Shahid Minar. Credit: Ansar Ahmed Ullah/ Swadhinata Trust

On 21 February, Bengali students gathered, defying Section 144. The police opened fire, killing four students, one other person and injuring many. The language movement led to the realisation that the Bengalis constituted a separate nation. Their destiny lay not with Pakistan but elsewhere as an independent country.

Abdul Gaffer Choudhury

Abdul Gaffar Choudhury, journalist and Freeman of Tower Hamlets, wrote the well-known Martyr’s Day song Amar bhaier rokte rangano Ekushe February.

Shahid Minar in Altab Ali Park

The Shahid Minar in Altab Ali Park was erected in 1999 through a partnership between the local Bengali community and Tower Hamlets Council. It was funded by contributions from 54 local Bangladeshi community organisations. The calls from community leaders prompted the council to allocate space within the park to accommodate the memorial monument.

In the same year, UNESCO recognised the Bengali language movement, declaring 21 February as International Mother Language Day. This is now a day observed globally in recognition of the martyrs and to preserve linguistic diversity.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Credit: Photographer Abul Lais Shyamal/Swadhinata TrustBangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman – independence leader (1920–1975)

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman challenged the disparity between the regions. He demanded self-autonomy for East Pakistan.

In 1969, at a million strong public rally in Dhaka, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was given the affectionate title of Bangabandhu. This means friend of Bengal.

In the 1970s general election his political party, Awami League, won a landslide victory. The ruling elite in West Pakistan refused to allow Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to form a government. In protest Bangabandhu initiated the non-cooperation movement against Pakistani rule in 1971.

7 March 1971 speech

Bangabandhu School Credit: Kois MiahOn 7 March 1971, as the military and the West's political leadership was conspiring not to hand over power to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, he delivered a fiery speech at the Racecourse Ground against the ruling elite. He urged ‘his people’ to turn every house into a fort of resistance. He closed his speech by saying,

"Our struggle is for our freedom; our struggle is for our independence. Joi Bangla!"

This powerful speech inspired the Bengali nation to fight for its independence. In 2016 the speech was recognised by UNESCO and archived in its Memory of the World Programme.

In Tower Hamlets, a school in Bethnal Green, Bangabandhu Primary, is named in his honour.  The ‘7 March Foundation’ was set up in 2018 to propagate Bangabandhu’s ideals.

This year Bangladesh is also observing Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's 100 birth anniversary.

25 March 1971 - Genocide Day

On the night of 25 March, the Pakistani military began a violent crackdown to suppress the Bengali opposition. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested and taken to West Pakistan. British journalist Simon Dring, in hiding, reported a massacre unfolding.

26 March 1971 - Declaration of independence

Before his arrest, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called upon his people to resist Pakistani forces of occupation in a declaration that read,

“This may be my last message, from today Bangladesh is independent. I call upon the people of Bangladesh wherever you might be and with whatever you have, to resist the army of occupation to the last. Your fight must go on until the last soldier of the Pakistan occupation army is expelled from the soil of Bangladesh and final victory is achieved.”

This declaration of independence marks the beginning of the Bangladesh Liberation War and is observed as Bangladesh Independence Day.

10 April 1971 - A government in exile

Following the Pakistani military crackdown, Awami League leaders crossed over to India for safety. On 10 April, the People's Republic of Bangladesh Government, was formed in exile with Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman as the President and Tajuddin Ahmed as the Prime Minister.

Colonel MAG Osmani, Commander-in-chief of Bangladesh Forces Credit: Abul Lais Shyamal/Swadhinata Trust26 March 1971 – 16 December 1971, The Liberation War of Bangladesh

There were spontaneous uprisings throughout Bangladesh following the declaration of independence on 26 March 1971. On 12 April 1971, Colonel MAG Osmani was appointed Commander-in-chief of Bangladesh Forces known as the Mukti Bahini. In addition to Mukti Bahini, guerrilla groups led by individual leaders successfully controlled some areas within Bangladesh.

 In a tribute to Colonel MAG Osmani, there are four organisations named after him:

  • Osmani Primary School in Vallance Road
  • A community venue, Osmani Centre in Underwood Road
  • A dance music outfit Osmani Soundz
  • Bongobir Osmany Trust, a community organisation.

16 December 1971 - Victory Day

On 21 November 1971, Bangladesh Muktu Bahini and the Indian forces formed an Allied Command and went on to defeat the West Pakistani army. The resulting surrender was the largest in the number of prisoners of war since World War II. Victory against Pakistan was declared on 16 December 1971.

Genocide in Bangladesh

During the war, there were widespread killings and other atrocities carried out by the Pakistan military. Bangladesh authorities state that three million people were killed. Bangladeshi sources cite a figure of over 200,000 women killed, tortured and/or raped, giving birth to thousands of war babies.

On 16 December 2002, George Washington University's National Security Archive published declassified communications between US embassy officials, the United States Information Service centers and officials in Washington DC. These documents show that US officials working in diplomatic institutions used the terms selective genocide and genocide to describe events at the time.


There was an internal displacement of 30 million civilians within Bangladesh, with a further 10 million people fleeing the country to seek safety in neighbouring India.

14 December 1971– Martyred Intellectuals Day

On 14 December 1971, just two days before the surrender, the Pakistan Army and local Razakar militia (collaborators) abducted and murdered hundreds of Bengali intellectuals. 14 December is observed as Martyred Intellectuals Day.

8London, England, 8 January 1972, Bangladesh leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (right) is greeted by British Prime Minister Edward Heath as he arrives at 10 Downing Street for talks. Credit: © Popperfoto /Getty Images January 1972 - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s release

Following Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s release from Pakistan, he came to London on 8 January 1972. In London, he was warmly greeted by the British Prime Minister Edward Heath and Labour leader Harold Wilson.

4 February 1972 - The UK recognises Bangladesh

On 4 February 1972, the UK officially recognised Bangladesh. This led to recognition from other European and Commonwealth nations and Bangladesh's induction into the Commonwealth on 18 April 1972.

Researched and compiled by the Swadhinata Trust

The Swadhinata Trust is a Tower Hamlets based, non-partisan, secular Bengali heritage organisation. It was established to raise awareness about Bengali history, culture and heritage. It has created resources for the British Bengali and wider communities in the fields of education, research and the creative arts.


This section offers a snapshot of UK activism at the time.  Engaging interviews with people living in the borough reveal their reflections and memories. 

The Liberation War of Bangladesh was not just fought in the Bengal delta. By 1971 a small but growing Bengali community was established in the UK, including in Tower Hamlets.

During war, the community played an important role.  They highlighted the atrocities taking place in Bangladesh. They lobbied the British Government and the international community.

Fundraising for refugees as well as Bengali freedom fighters also played a key part. It is said that some people donated their entire week’s salary.

One woman donated her entire wedding gift of gold jewellery. Many went to Bangladesh via India to assist in the struggle and join in the fight to free Bangladesh.

Tunu MiahTunu Miah, Cannon Street Road, 2021 Credit: Ansar Ahmed Ullah

Tunu Miah was a boy at the time. He spoke of his experiences in 1971 by saying, 

“I was a school student at that time. I was living in Brick Lane, and studying at the Montefiore Secondary School, now named Osmani School. I was year 5 student at that time, and then the Independence War started.

We were few in numbers at that time, my father and many other people who led, joined the independence movement. I also joined the movement and participated as much as I could.

I was very much sensitive about my country, my language, because the Pakistanis treated us very badly as if they were superiors and we were their servants. I could not tolerate that. So, as the independence movement started, we all joined in.

Huge number of people joined the campaign, we were all involved, as we were a bit young, we were not in the front line, but we supplied the elders with sticks, in case of any trouble.”

He talked about the difficulty of communication with Bangladesh from the UK during the war. “We had no direct communication with Bangladesh, there were no letters coming. At the beginning, a few letters came, but in the end, there were no letters. At that time, some men came to the UK, first going to India or Pakistan, and then coming to UK. We all went to see anyone who came from Bangladesh, maybe he is not from my village, or even from my district but still everybody wanted to meet him. We all gathered around him to get the latest news of Bangladesh.”

On the final victory he said, “I am very much proud of my homeland, Bangladesh. I can’t explain exactly how much proud I felt when we got the victory! I can’t define my emotions in words”

(Extract from an Interview conducted by Jamil Iqbal and Ansar Ahmed Ullah for Swadhinata Trust on 17 January 2006.)

Tunu Miah mentioned pro-Bangladesh liberation meetings and activities taking place in most Bengali households in Tower Hamlets. Bengalis would also gather in many venues such as Bangladesh Welfare Association, Dilchad Restaurant in Artillery Lane, Oriental Travel agency opposite Brick Lane Mosque and the Sonal Bangla restaurant in Hanbury Street.

He remembers hearing the news of Pakistan’s surrender and celebrating by eating out with a friend at a restaurant called Brick Lane Yard, off Old Montague Street. On reflection, Miah is pleased to learn that Bangladesh is now considered a developing country with huge projects being realised. (Talking to Ansar Ahmed Ullah, Swadhinata Trust on 6 March 2021)

Abdus SamiAbdus Sami Credit: Swadhinata Trust

Abdus Sami lived in Chicksand Estate and remembers one of the biggest demonstrations held at Hyde Park. He donated money and campaigned against the Pakistani military rule in Bangladesh.

He cited the Bengali language issue as the first seed of resentment, “Our country was East Pakistan in those days. We demanded Bengali to be the state language. It divided us (East & West Pakistan), and the friction begun. We had to fight with them because of this demand. The fight of state language became bigger and bigger. Afterwards, the Agartala incident took place and Sheikh Mujib declared independence.”

On mobilisation, he said, “We demonstrated in Hyde Park on so many occasions. We also contributed money for the war. I personally gave £100, and, on another occasion, I gave £50 as donation for the War in Bangladesh. We went to Hyde Park by coach from Whitechapel and people from all regions came to Hyde Park. People came from Birmingham, Manchester, Oldham, and Bradford and so on. Huge number of people gathered. I think people wouldn’t respond today the way they did in 1971 in the UK. They did it for the country, for the people who were being killed and massacred by the Pakistani Army. Everyone was for independence and for an independent Bangladesh.”

(Extract from an interview carried out by Jamil Iqbal for Swadhinata Trust on 12 June 2006)

Val HardingImage of Val Harding and Caroline Adams in the refugee camp. Credit: Val Harding/Swadhinata Trust

In 1971 Val Harding worked as a nurse in the Bangladesh Refugee Camps in West Bengal. When the war broke out, she was volunteering in a hospital in Nepal. On hearing the news of the war, she decided to help with her qualification as a nurse. She went to Kolkata and participated in the Cathedral Relief by joining a medical team caring for the wounded.

“I volunteered for an Indian organisation, Cathedral Relief Service, that was based in Kolkata. I worked with a mobile medical team in Kalyani district, West Bengal, that travelled between nine large camps spread out over the area.

I distributed medicines and dressed wounds. I also helped organise activities for children in the camps, including games and drawing and painting activities.

I was involved in fund raising from the UK, when local groups here fundraised and sent us donations. We used these donations to buy clothing for children and other everyday items that families needed”.

(Val Harding talking to Ansar Ahmed Ullah, Swadhinata Trust on 8 March 2021).

South London’s Val Harding is now a trustee with the Swadhinata Trust.

A key feature of this period was also the support provided by members of the white British majority.

Peter Shore, MP and Donald ChesworthDonald Chesworth Credit: Copyright Toynbee Hall

The genocidal attack on 25 March 1971, led UK Bengalis to organise protest rallies in major cities of the UK including a huge rally on 4 April in London’s Hyde Park. A memorandum was submitted to Prime Minister Edward Heath’s office at 10 Downing Street.

Notable figures such as Tower Hamlets MP Peter Shore and the Warden of Toynbee Hall Donald Chesworth supported Bangladesh’s struggle for independence in 1971. The Bangladesh Government formally recognised their contribution by honouring them in 2012.

On 24 April, at a meeting held at Coventry, the Steering Committee of Bangladesh Action Committee for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was formed with Justice Abu Sayeed Chowdhury as Chairman. They also formed a Trust Fund with Justice Abu Sayeed Chowdhury, John Stone House MP and Donald Chesworth as Trustee.

Donald Chesworth, the Chairman of War on Want, organised a trip to Bangladesh in May 1971.  The delegation comprised of himself and three others including Bruce Kent, chairman of CND, and a Roman Catholic priest, John Horgan. The visit was humanitarian and the delegation went to places like Swandip in Chittagong. They also met members of the Bangladesh Government in exile.

Peter Shore MP, also visited Bangladesh. He was outraged by what had happened, having been well informed by many of his constituents. The Bengali community gave him first-hand accounts of what their families and relatives were enduring.

Peter Shore MP, Ian Mikado MP and Abdul Quddus. Others unknown. Credit: Courtesy of Julie Begum, personal collection

Following his visit to Bangladesh, he reported his findings to the House of Commons. Through debates, questions and Early Day Motions, the issue was kept alive.



Local British newspapers reported daily on the Bangladesh Liberation War during the whole nine-month-long conflict. The war started in late March 1971 and ended on 16 December of the same year. The purpose of this section is to give a flavour of the war and how local newspapers kept the British people informed. Rather than providing a comprehensive account of these reports, it looks at one or two reports per month.

First three months: April - June 1971

'Resistance in East Pakistan Crumbles Fast’ 

About two weeks into the war, on 13 April 1971, the Coventry Telegraph ran a headline called 'Resistance in East Pakistan Crumbles Fast’. It reported that ‘columns of President Yahya Khan’s Pakistan army’ were ‘fanning out in all directions'. They were 'swiftly advancing' and 'causing the resistance of the ‘Break-away East Pakistan’ to crumble.

According to the newspaper, a ‘reported shipment of Indian arms to the secessionist forces' would be unlikely to 'prolong the... the liberation'. From the perspectives of the newspaper, there was very little sign of ‘preparations for a lengthy guerrilla campaign’.

The newspaper reported the fears of many prominent Awami League leaders of a prolonged conflict. If that were to happen, they thought, the liberation war will ‘inevitably fall under the communist leadership’. One reason cited was that the communists have a tough discipline and they are 'backed by Marxists in neighbouring India’.

‘Bitter fighting in East Pakistan’

On 14 April 1971 the Reading Evening Post, based on information from the Press Trust of Indian, reported that there was 'bitter fighting’ in East Pakistan. There were some losses, some gains and some positions still controlled by the Bengali liberation forces.

‘Pakistan troops had gained control of two towns while Bangla Desh liberation fighters had captured the jute centre of Sylhet. Pakistani Air Force planes bombed and strafed Bengalis as they fought for Sylhet’. But they were 'forced to withdraw to Shalutikor airfield five miles away’.

The Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, was asked about the “open support” of Pakistan ‘announced by China'. She said that this ‘would not deter India from her stand on the issue'. On the question of India recognising ‘Banga Desh', she said, 'the matter would receive due consideration’.

According to the Free Bangla Desh Radio, the ‘Prime Minister of the provisional Government, Mr Tajuddin Ahmed said that: “Our resistance has created a new and bright example in the history of freedom movements. It is an example for all”.

‘Mediaeval butchery in East Pakistan’

Three weeks into the war, on 16 April 1971, the Belfast Telegraph reported an Indian Government official who accused ‘Pakistan of indulging in “savage and medieval butchery” in East Pakistan'. This was in response to certain Pakistani media broadcasting that 'indulged in “false and fallacious propaganda” against India’.

He thought that Pakistan was trying to divert the attention away from what they were doing in East Pakistan to present it as a dispute between India and Pakistan. They would fail to ‘persuade the world' that there was 'no struggle by the 75 million people of East Bengal'. He described the Pakistani action as ‘pre-planned carnage and systematic genocide in East Bengal’.

‘30,000 Migrants Believed Killed’

On 8 May 1971, Belfast Telegraph reported on the non-Bengali victims of the war. They were identified as Biharis who only recently arrived in East Pakistan during the partition of India violence. The welcome they received early on did not last long. When the war started, they became the target of hate. Many Bengalis considered them to be Pakistani collaborators.

The newspaper reported that about 30,000 non-Bengalis were believed to have been killed across East Pakistan since 1 March 1971. Most of them were said to be ‘Moslem Biharis… but many Hindus were also reported massacred’. About ‘90 miles from Dacca,’ a systematic slaughtering ‘between Bengalis and non-Bengalis’ was reported. This ‘left many thousands dead before the order was restored’.

Based on an account of a survivor who told ‘newsmen’ that out of 5,000 non-Bengalis where he lived there were now only ‘25 survivors’. The soldiers who brought the survivor denied ‘that women and children were knowingly killed by soldiers'. But said that 'hundreds of men were killed in the fighting since 26 March’.

The survivor showed his neck wound to the newsmen and described ‘where he said Bengalis shot him through the throat before knifing him and dumping him in the river'. While he was describing how his sister’s breast was mutilated before she was killed, he broke into tears'. He was led away by soldiers who had brought him to speak to the newsman.’

‘Cholera Strikes Again in Bengal’

On 17 June 1971, the Coventry Evening Standard reported that ‘Cholera Strikes Again in Bengal’. This new cholera infection was said to have broken out in a new place in West Bengal as refugees continued to pour out of East Pakistan and into India. Cholera was ‘raging in Burdwan district near the industrial town of the same name, 55 miles north-west of Calcutta’.

The refugee flow that was ‘halted for about 12 days’ had started again. The authorities had earlier announced that they had 'brought the cholera epidemic under control that had already killed 5,000 people'. The new inflow of refugees has not reached the magnitude of ‘the mass flight last month when about 100,000 people crossed into India each day’. India was sending ‘six ministers around the world to seek more aid for nearly six million refugees’.

The mid three months: July-September 1971

'India Accuses U.S. Over Supply of Arms to Pakistan' 

On 13 July 1971 the Belfast Telegraph reported India's strong opposition to the decision by the 'United States... to supply Pakistan with a total of 35 million dollars of military equipment’. Mr Swaran Singh, the Indian Foreign Ministers, considered such action by America ‘in the present context amounted to condonation of genocide in Bangla Desh'. And he ‘left the United States Government with no doubt about the dangerous implications of such a policy’.

According to a ‘highly placed diplomat', the 'Americans have decided to continue to supply Pakistan with arms'. They believe that they will be able to continue to talk to President Yahya Khan and persuade him to accept a realistic political settlement’.

‘Bengali hearts are with Bangla Desh’Bengali hearts are with Bangla Desh

On 17 August 1971, the Aberdeen Press and Journal published a piece called ‘Bengali hearts are with Bangla Desh’. The newspaper's London staff, Ralph Shaw, went on ‘a fact-finding tour' of the divided Pakistan. He wrote that when he was talking to a UN official at the Intercontinental Hotel, he was told that he would be safe there as it was heavily guarded. But this sense of safety was an illusion. It got shattered very soon by the bombing of the ‘men’s lavatory’ by a ‘plastic’ explosive, which also ‘practically destroyed the spacious lobby’.

When he went around the city, he observed fear everywhere. He wrote that ‘recently there was heavy fighting between the Pakistani Army and the East Bengal secessionists. Many people, including a shop keeper and a Bengali government official, also whispered in his ears, “we want Bangla Desh”, and “don’t believe what they say. They all lie… We want Bangla Desh” ‘. 

His roaming of 'Dacca' also took him to the old part of the city. He walked ‘alone in the… narrow, muddy tracks' with 'bullock carts, cows, donkeys, dogs, beggars and the ubiquitous open-faced shops'. He described the place as 'the home of the poverty-stricken masses’.

Ralph Shaw saw ‘Dacca’ at night ‘deserted apart from the police and army patrols’. He observed that the ‘Liberation Fighters’ had ruined the ‘cooking facilities at the Intercontinental recently by blasting the strategic gas pipeline into the city’. They also blew 'up a generating station’, which had ‘plunged a large part of the town into darkness'.

He judged that if left alone the ‘Bengalis' were 'no match for the Pakistani army’. But then it would become a colonial rule on British pattern for the foreseeable future. As  West Pakistan largely depended on draining resources from the East Pakistan economy, he thought, President Yahya Khan would do whatever he can to ‘preserve the integrity of what now a geographical absurdity’.

Photo credit: The Aberdeen Press and Journal, 17 August 1971:  Bengali hearts are with Bangla Desh. 
Image/article courtesy of https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/

‘Honeymoon became nightmare’

On 17 September 1971 The Kent & Sussex Courier ran a story on how a honeymoon became a nightmare for a newly married couple. Mr Martin Crorie who owned an Indian restaurant called Mumtaz in Tonbridge ‘got married to his childhood sweetheart’. Her name was Dolly, and she was twenty years old at that time.

The paper said that they got married in October 1970, but it was only now that the ‘military government in Pakistan finally allowed them to leave their own country’. This suggests that the couple were both East Pakistanis. If so, Martin must have been to the UK earlier, set up a business and gone back to East Pakistan to marry his childhood sweetheart, Dolly. But this is speculation as the newspaper provides no details about their origin. 

The couple reported that they had encountered horrific scenes while trying to flee the ‘avenging West Pakistani troops sent to subdue the breakaway East Pakistan’. This included ‘young children bayoneted, houses burned with families inside, teenage girls violated and murdered’. They faced questions from the army everywhere, saw ‘bodies on the roadside’, and learnt that some of the murdered were thrown into the rivers. 

With the ‘aid of influential friends', eventually, they got a flight from Dacca and Karachi’. There was a final act before they could leave East Pakistan. They had to promise that they ‘would not spread unfavourable propaganda about the army’ when they got back to ‘England’.

The last three months: October-December 1971

‘Pakistan massing forces claim’

On 16 October 1971, the Coventry Telegraph reported that there was an increase in tension along the border between India and Pakistan. Border areas has been experiencing ‘constant artillery attacks for the past fortnight’. A Pakistani 'official... in Dacca' announced that this resulted in civilians from border areas ‘moving to regions deeper insider Eastern Pakistan’. It was also announced that Indian shelling so far has ‘killed 38 villagers and wounded 57 in 34 border villages’.

India ‘said that Pakistani forces appeared to be massing on the border’. This was two days after Mrs Indira Gandhi, the Indian Prime Minister, ‘accused Pakistan of threatening to go to war with India’. ‘Pakistani forces had moved closer to the Indian border in both East and West Pakistan', and 'there were indications of a large-scale military build-up in the last few days’. The Indian Defence Ministry said that they were ‘taking necessary precautionary measures’.

'15-hour curfew in capital’ 

On 18 November 1971 the Reading Evening Post ran a headline called ’15-hour curfew in capital’. The curfew was designed to deal with the ‘apparent escalation of guerrilla attacks’ in the city. The guerrillas aimed at a range of targets, including shopping centres, mosques, schools, commercial buildings, public utility and industrial complexes. 

The curfew sought to comprehensively comb the city to stop the ‘sympathetic population’ supporting the guerrillas to slip through the net. As such, on 17 November 1971 troops went ‘house-by-house in search of Bangla Desh guerrillas and arms’. Pakistan radio reported that ‘138 people were detained and four killed when they “resisted arrest”, and that 'people were co-operating in pointing out “miscreants”. The city's population 'had been told to place arms and ammunition in front of houses and no questions would be asked’. 

‘Indians Invade Pakistan’ 

On 4 December 1971 Aberdeen Evening Express reported that India had invaded Pakistan earlier on the same day.

The commander of the Indian forces, Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Arora, said that they had two purposes. To ‘force the surrender of the 80,000 Pakistani troops in the area and establish an independent government of Bangla Desh’. They had orders to attack ‘enemy warship and cut lines of communication between East and West Pakistan’.

Yahya Khan, the ‘West Pakistan President’, said to his people that ‘the present war will be the final war with India’.

The newspaper reported on both sides and perspectives of the war. General Arora had been set no limit on ‘his operations’. But his order was not to ‘cause unnecessary damage to the infrastructure of East Pakistan’. President Yahya Khan said that ‘his country was fighting for its integrity and honour’. He believed that God was on Pakistan’s side in the face of the enemy, the Indian Government, who launched a ‘full-scale war’ on Pakistan. 

‘Indians take key towns in the east’ 

The Coventry Evening Telegraph reported on 7 December 1971 that ‘Indian forces today overran the Pakistani military base at Jessore and captured strategic town in Sylhet'. Jessore was about 80 miles from ‘Dacca’ and contained ‘one of the province’s three main military bases'. It was the 'first major East Pakistan town to fall to India’.

Indian naval aircrafts attacked 'the ports of Khulna, Chalna and Mangla'. They destroyed 'two gunboats' and damaged 'two others’. Pakistan ‘admitted that troops had vacated their position in Benapol’. Their ‘troops were trying to establish alternative positions’. At the same time, sources in India reported that Pakistani troops had ‘launched a “massive attack” on the Kashmir front’.

President Yahya Khan had asked Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of West Pakistan and ‘Nurul Amin, a right-wing East Pakistan political leader, to form a coalition government. Meanwhile ‘a UN spokesman in New York’ reported that ‘military planes had attacked a Canadian C130 Hercules transport’. It was sent to see if it was safe to land in ‘Dacca’ airport to evacuate ‘265 diplomats and officials’. UN efforts ‘to get a ceasefire’ proved unsuccessful.  

‘After 12 days of Indian attack, Now Dacca surrenders’ 

On 16 December 1971 the Reading Evening Post reported that the surrender documents signed after the Pakistan commander, Lieutenant General A. L. “Tiger” Niazi, asked for a senior Indian staff officer to go to the capital of East Pakistan. ‘Major General J. F. R. Jacob, chief of staff of India’s eastern command, arrived by helicopter from Calcutta to receive the surrender'.  

 Joy for Mrs Indira GandhiJoy for Mrs Indira Gandhi

The newspaper reported that ‘Bedlam broke out in the Indian Parliament today as Mrs Indira Gandhi announced that Indian troops entered Dacca this morning. Jubilant members of all parties jumped from their seats and started shouting and pounding their desks in glee’. At the parliament, ‘members from West Bengal, which has strong cultural ties with neighbouring East Pakistan, rushed to phones to order rasagula, the traditional Bengali sweet distributed on festive occasions’. They said, ‘when Dacca falls, we’ll start distributing’.  

‘We'll regain East, pledges Bhutto’ 

On 21 December 1971 the Aberdeen Evening Express reported that Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the new president of Pakistan, pledged to regain East Pakistan.  In 'Rawalpindi shortly after taking power' he said 'East Pakistan would be regained and warned of “a house to house fight” if India tried to impose its will.

At a 'news conference following a nationwide broadcast' Bhutto promise 'to restore democracy’. He described ‘West Bengal, the Indian state bordering East Pakistan as a slum: my Bengal, East Pakistan, will not go to the slum of India’. At another point, he declared: “Half of our country is under foreign occupation, but we are not down and out. We will regain it.” Mr Bhutto said new ties must be established with East Pakistan no matter how loose’.

Photo caption :Reading Evening Post, 16 December 1971: After 12 days of Indian attack, Now Dacca surrenders 
Image/article courtesy of https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/


In line with the government roadmap for easing the lockdown,  indoor leisure centres can open from 12 April. Some indoor activities are due to  resume from 17 May. The following centres will re-open with restricted facilities on Monday 12 April: 

  • John Orwell Sports Centre
  • Mile End Park Leisure Centre
  • Poplar Baths Leisure Centre
  • Whitechapel Sports Centre
  • York Hall Leisure Centre

St. George’s & Tiller Leisure Centre’s will remain closed until further notice.


In line with  government guidance,  indoor leisure centres can open from 12 April.  Some indoor activities are due to resume from 17 May. The following centres will re-open with restricted facilities on 12 April:

  • John Orwell Sports Centre
  • Mile End Park Leisure Centre
  • Poplar Baths Leisure Centre
  • Whitechapel Sports Centre
  • York Hall Leisure Centre

St. George’s & Tiller Leisure Centre’s will remain closed until further notice.

Saunas and steam rooms will remain closed in line with government guidance

The following facilities will re-open at each centre.  

John Orwell Sports Centre

  • Sports hall
  • Gym

Mile End Park Leisure Centre

  • Swimming pool
  • Sports hall
  • Gym
  • Women only gym

Poplar Baths Leisure Centre

  • Sports hall
  • Gym
  • Women only gym
  • Swimming pool

Whitechapel Sports Centre

  • Sports hall
  • Gym
  • Women only gym
  • Floodlit outdoor pitch

York Hall Leisure Centre

  • The gym
  • Therapy rooms
  • Closures: The swimming pool will remain closed while repairs to the pool tank are undertaken.

Virtual studio activities, which includes spinning and exercise classes over a screen without an in person instructor.


All Better members are being given borough-wide access to all Better-operated facilities for the foreseeable future.

Members of centres that are not currently open can use alternative facilities.

Leisure centres that are open have reduced capacity due to social distancing measures in place. Anyone who wishes to use gyms, studio space and pools at the centres, must pre-book a time slot on the Better app or website.

Safety is our priority. Equipment within gym areas has been reduced to ensure that two metres social distancing between users is maintained. 

Staff have adopted a new, enhanced cleaning regime, while customers will be asked to wipe down the equipment that they have used.

Hand sanitiser is available throughout leisure centre buildings.

Health suites are closed until further notice due to the increased risk of COVID-19 associated with these areas.

Swimming pools are restricted to lane swimming only and visitors must attend the leisure centre wearing their swimming suits/trunks and ready to swim.

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