A to Z


Report a street problem

Report a pothole, hazard on a road or pavement, flooding and broken parking meter or street lights.

Report an abandoned vehicle

Spotted a dumped or abandoned vehicle? Report it and we will investigate.

Report anti-social behaviour

Report anti-social behaviour and seek support.

Report electoral fraud

Tell us about any concerns you may have about inappropriate activity related to the coming election.

Report electoral fraud

Tell us about any concerns you may have about inappropriate activity related to the coming election.

Report engine idling

If you see idling in the borough, report it and help us improve the air quality in Tower Hamlets.

Report fraud

If you suspect that someone is committing fraud, bribery or corruption against the council we would like to know about it.

Report it

If you spot an issue around the borough like dumped rubbish or a broken parking meter or would like to tell us about a change in your circumstances, you can report it to us.


In order for us to consider your representation, you must make it clear how granting this application will have an impact and "relevant" to one or more of the following licensing objectives: the prevention of crime and disorder, the prevention of public nuisance, public safety, the protection of children from harm.

Residents' Hub

The Residents' Hub will offer residents a free face to face (by appointment only), over the phone or virtual advice across a range of services.
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