

We support businesses, community groups, residents and departments in the council in reducing carbon emissions.

At the event, we will be giving businesses the chance to calculate their carbon footprint and produce their own greenhouse gas report. They will know what their emissions are and target out how to reduce them. To be able to do this on the day businesses will need to bring:

  • the amount of electricity and gas they have consumed in the last year in kWh. It may be easiest for businesses to bring their energy bills along with them and we can look through them.
  • how many miles any vehicles they may have, have done in the last year
  • water bills so we can see their consumption for the last year
  • if available, any information on how much waste they have thrown out.

If businesses don’t have all this information, we can still use what information they do have. The most important information we need is the energy consumption and vehicle mileage.