Help after sexual violence and abuse

Help after sexual violence and abuse

For more information on help after sexual abuse, please see our directory about support services for sexual abuse (including online sexual abuse).  

If you are a child or young person you can find out more information on support services for children and young people.  

If you are concerned about the welfare or safety of a child/young person, you should contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub or call the police on 999 if the child is in immediate danger.  

Female Genital Cutting Support 

Primrose Clinic, Mile End Hospital - a community-based clinic that offers a range of support services for women affected by FGM, Bancroft Road, E1 4DG, 020 7377 7898 

Sister Circle – women’s charity organization that provides holistic support for women experiencing health complications as a result of cutting. Visit Sister Circle for more information.