39. Where has the consultation been publicised?

39. Where has the consultation been publicised?

The consultation has been publicised on:

  1. LA consultations website
  2. Raines Foundation School website
  3. Oaklands Secondary School website
  4. LA social media accounts

And with the following agencies:

  1. Local MPs
  2. Tower Hamlets Cabinet Members
  3. Raines Foundation Trustees
  4. Local School Governors
  5. Tower Hamlets Admissions Forum Members
  6. Tower Hamlets Head Teachers
  7. Neighbouring Local Authorities
  8. Tower Hamlets Parents & Carers Forum
  9. Tower Hamlets Young Peoples Forum
  10. Church of England Diocese
  11. Roman Catholic Diocese
  12. Somali Community Association
  13. Collective of Bangladeshi Governors
  14. East London National Education Union
  15. Tower Hamlets Council of Mosques