Children, young people and older people

Children, young people and older people

City Bridge Trust – Children and Young People

Funding is available for projects and organisations working in three priority areas:

  • support for vulnerable parents and carers of preschool children (aged 0–5)
  • support for children and young people engaged in child criminal exploitation
  • work that addresses the needs of disadvantaged young women and girls.

There is an upper age limit of 25 for beneficiaries.


Applications are welcome from organisations:

  • led or guided by people with lived experience of these issues
  • with local, community or specialist insight and knowledge
  • setting out to build the resilience of project beneficiaries
  • building the evidence of effective interventions
  • whose approach has been (and continues to be) co-produced with young people.

Funding amount

Funding has no set limits. Revenue funding can't exceed 50 per cent of your income in one year.

Closing date

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

More information

Please visit the City Bridge Trust website and

The Ironmongers Grants to Charities

The Ironmongers’ Company supports projects aiding disadvantaged youth. These projects help children and young people achieve their full potential.

The company wants projects that give clear educational benefits to a specific group of children or young people.

They will only consider equipment if it is explained how it will support this activity. The types of projects supported include special educational needs, or which foster social, emotional or life skills.

Projects trying new approaches get priority. Share results with wider audience.


Grants are only given to registered charities.

Funding amount

Grants range from a few hundred pounds up to around £10,000. The average grant awarded is £4,000.

Closing date

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

More information

Please visit the Ironmonger Grants to Charities website or email

Tesco Stronger Starts

Priority will be given to projects that provide food and support to young people. The types of projects Tesco Community Grants aims to fund are:

  • breakfast clubs, holiday clubs, food banks, and Meals on Wheels
  • equipment or non-statutory services for nurseries, schools, such as forest schools, library books, equipment for Brownie, Guide or Scout groups, such as camping equipment, and badges. 
  • play areas
  • counselling and support services for young people
  • services or equipment to support children and young people’s health
  • equipment/ kit for a youth sports team.


Registered charities and not-for-profit organisations.

Funding amount

Upto £1,500

Closing date

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

More information

Please visit the Tesco stronger starts website.