It is now the law to wear a face covering in most indoor public places and on public transport

It is now the law to wear a face covering in most indoor public places and on public transport

Where are you required to wear a face covering?

  • Public transport, including taxis
  • Transport hubs e.g., airports, rail stations, bus stations
  • Most indoor public places e.g., shops, shopping centres, community centres, places of worship, libraries.

Where are face coverings not required?

  • Hospitality venues where food and drink are consumed (e.g., pubs, cafes, restaurants)
  • During exercise (e.g., gyms) or dancing (e.g., in nightclubs).

Why are face coverings important?

  • The rapid rise in number of cases of COVID-19 we are seeing means the chances of spreading the virus is increasing fast
  • Face coverings protect other people by blocking the infectious droplets that transmit the virus
  • These can be transmitted even when a person is not displaying symptoms
  • This means that an infected person will pass the virus onto fewer people and slow spread.

For more information check GOV.UK face covering guidance