Bulky waste

Ways to dispose of your large items safely

There are several ways to dispose of your large items safely.

Take back schemes

Many stores offer a 'take back scheme'. For example, if you buy a new washing machine the company can take away your old one, when they deliver your new one. This often free of charge.

Idea stores

Smaller items, such as toasters, can also be taken back to a store when a new one is purchased. Please always check with stores first. Small electrical items can be dropped off at the Idea Stores,

Items in a good condition

Items able to be resold can also be collected by Emmaus and the British Heart Foundation but please check the terms and conditions of both websites.

Reuse and recycling centre

Furniture and other large household items can be taken to the Reuse and Recycling Centre

Arrange a bulky waste collection

  • We offer 2 free collections per year for household waste from your own property only. You must be living in the property at the time of booking and collection. Up to 5 items can be taken away per collection.
  • Before you request a collectionfind out what we can and cannot take and read the terms and conditions
  • If you want to cancel your request, you must give the council 24 hours' notice, otherwise it will count towards your entitled 2 collections per year.
  • if you want to make changes to your request, you will need to cancel and re-book 24 hours before your original booking. This means you will lose your original slot and may have to wait up to 15 days for the change the collection.

How to prepare bulky waste for collection

We collect items between 7am and 3pm.

All items should be:

  • outside your home
  • at ground floor level for collection- not on landings, balconies or basements
  • visible and accessible by the crew  (i.e. not in back gardens, locked bin stores, behind security gates)
  • neatly and safely stacked
  • ready for collection by 7am on the collection date.

You do not need to be in on the day of collection.

We are unable to enter properties to carry out the collection.

Kerbside properties

Items should be placed within the boundary of your property at ground level.

Blocks of flats

All items must be brought down to a suitable location on the ground floor for collection.

The collection team is unable to access many blocks and developments in the borough and will not have keys/fobs for bin store areas.

If you are not sure where best to leave your items, please speak to your concierge, caretaker or housing manager first.

Book a bulky waste collection

Have we missed a collection?

If we have missed your bulky waste collection please report it.

Report a missed bulky waste collection

Can you arrange more collections?

Three or more collections can be arranged at your own cost by emailing CommercialWaste@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Or through an alternative licensed waste carrier. We do not endorse or recommend any service provider.

You are responsible for making sure that the waste carrier you use is registered with the Environment Agency. The carrier should be able to give you supporting documents upon request.

Do you do house clearances?

No, a house clearance cannot be arranged through the council. Please contact your local housing office/housing association or managing agents first.

If you are unable to use the online form, collections can be booked via Streetline

Tel: 020 7364 5004