Hate crime

Report a hate crime

Anyone can report a Hate crime. 

Contact the police to report a hate crime, in an emergency you should always call 999

  • If it is not an emergency call 101
  • If you have a hearing or speech impairment MPS Text Phone Service:
    • For emergencies text 18000 to 999
    • For non-emergencies text 18001 to 101
  • make an online report
  • You can also report to your landlord or housing provider (if appropriate).

You can report an incident anonymously. However, we do encourage victims to provide personal details that can help with the investigation.

What is a hate crime?

Hate crime is any criminal offence where anyone believes the victim has been targeted because of their:

  • disability
  • race or ethnic identity
  • religion/belief
  • gender or gender identity
  • sexual orientation
  • age
  • immigration status or nationality
  • or any other actual or perceived difference.

Hate crime behaviours can include

  • physical attacks – pushing and shoving to serious assaults
  • verbal abuse – using derogatory or insulting words 
  • threatening behaviour, bullying and intimidation 
  • damage to property – including offensive graffiti
  • harassment
  • malicious communications – threatening or offensive mail, texts or emails 
  • damage to property and violence
  • hate can also be directed at whole communities – for example, vandalism of places of worship, or offensive graffiti in public places.

Hate incidents

Are incidents that do not constitute a criminal offence but cause alarm, distress or harassment where anyone believes the victim has been targeted because of their race/ethnicity, religion/belief, gender/gender identity, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other actual or perceived difference.

Support services 

Local support
OrganisationContact details 

Metropolitan Police Faith Community Liaison Officer

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Email: Nazrul.I.Hannan@met.police.uk

Metropolitan Police Tower Hamlets Borough Command Unit 

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Email: CEhatecrime@met.police.uk

Tower Hamlets Hate Crime Team

Co-ordinates the multi-agency Hate Incident Panel and Tower Hamlets No Place for Hate Forum. Also delivers multiple projects, education and awareness campaigns around hate crime. 

Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm


  • 020 7364 6120 or
  • 020 7364 6105

Email: hatecrime@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Note: This is not a hate crime reporting service. Reporting options are at the top of this page. 

Hate Incident Panel (HIP)

Monthly case panel to discuss cases. To refer cases or get a copy of the Hate Incident Panel Information Pack please contact the Hate Crime Team.

Enquiries: hatecrime@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Tower Hamlets No Place for Hate Forum

Multi-agency partnership forum working together, through an annual delivery plan, to ensure support and protection for victims, work to ensure perpetrators are held accountable and work with communities to raise awareness and challenge hate.

Enquiries: hatecrime@towerhamlets.gov.uk


National support

National support
OrganisationContact details 

National Victim Supportline for emotional support

Deaf and hard of hearing victims can use Text Relay 18001 0845 30 30 900

0808 168 9111 (Freephone)

24 hour support

0845 30 30 900


Other specialist services

Other specialist services
OrganisationContact details 

Tower Hamlets Housing Options Service Team (HOST)

For those at risk of homelessness

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Tel: 020 7364 7474

Emergency line: 020 7364 4079

Adult Safeguarding Team

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Tel: 0300 303 6070

Children Safeguarding Team

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Tel: 020 7364 3444

Out of hours Social Care Emergency Duty Line (Children and Adults)

Monday to Friday, 5pm to 9am,

24 hours Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Tel: 020 7364 4079

Real DPO Limited

Disability Hate Crime Advocacy for those who have experienced a disability hate crime.

Support available remotely via telephone, email, text and video.

Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm

Tel: 020 7001 2175

Text: 07305 823 646

Email: local-link@real.org.uk

Positive East

(support for those living with HIV) Information about current services and support groups


Monday to Friday 10.30am to 4.30pm 

Tel: 020 7791 2855

Tell Mama Anti-Muslim Hate Crime

Tel: 0800 456 1226

SMS: 0115 707 0007

WhatsApp: 07341 846 086

Email: info@tellmamauk.org

Community Security Trust (CST) Anti-Semitic Hate Crime

Tel: 020 8457 9999

24 hour tel: 0800 032 3263

Email: incidents@cst.org.uk


LGBT hate crime support service. Offering reduced email and online service.

Email: advice@galop.org.uk


MIND Information Line

Tel: 020 7510 1081

Email: info@mithn.org.uk


LGBT+ mental health charity who work across various areas including with victims of hate crime (homophobic/ bi-phobic/ transphobic).

ELOP provide a range of services including counselling, mental health crisis prevention & support, youth groups, over 50 social support group, social support for adults, LBT women, GBT men, LGBT+ families, LGBT asylum seekers, mental health workshops, mental health support group, a befriending project.

ELOP provides services for the LGBT+ community by the LGBT+ community. 

Currently, in Tower Hamlets ELOP provide the LGBT+ Forum which has hate crime as one of it's focus and also run a range of LGBT+ events. ELOP are a pan London service.

Tel: 07908 553 744

Counselling mental health support

Email: counselling@elop.org

London Muslim Centre 

Signposting individuals to hate crime services.

Maryam Centre 

Maryam Centre provide support to women only.

Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm

Tel: 020 7650 3000


Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm

Tel: 020 7650 3022

What we do

We work closely with the police and other agencies to prevent all forms of hate crime, take action against offenders and support and protect victims. We encourage anyone who is the victim of, or witness to, hate crime to report it immediately. This is vital to ensure that offenders are brought to justice – we will not tolerate hate crime.

Pledge against hate

Do you want to end hate in Tower Hamlets? Do you want to contribute to creating an environment where everyone can enjoy living, working and visiting Tower Hamlets - free from fear, intimidation and attack?

The 'No Place for Hate Campaign Pledge' was launched 10 December 2008, World Human Rights Day and the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Everyone has a part to play. Organisations and individuals can sign the pledge against hate. The No Place for Hate Campaign Pledge will strengthen our commitment to eradicate hate in Tower Hamlets.

It is often those who are most vulnerable in our communities that suffer alone and in silence. Our goal is to build ‘One Tower Hamlets’ where there is a strong spirit of community and people from different backgrounds get on well together.

We must not allow any room for complacency. Sadly, there are still some who hurt, intimidate and threaten others because of hatred and prejudice. This is never acceptable.

We hope that agencies providing services to the local community and individual people in Tower Hamlets will be prepared to support and sign the Pledge to make a public condemnation of hate. Join the pledge today, make your public condemnation of hate and find out how you can contribute to making No Place for Hate a reality.

Together we can make Tower Hamlets No Place for Hate