Love Your Local Market 2024

Did you know there are 11 street markets in Tower Hamlets - more than any other London borough.

Love Your Local Market 2024 is a national event organised by The National Association of British Market Authorities to acknowledge and celebrate the value of local markets around the country. This year it takes place from 17 May to 1 June. 

Some of our markets date back decades, such as Roman Road Market, which is one of the oldest known trading areas in England, Chrisp Street Market which dates to the Victorian Times, and Petticoat Lane Market which has a rich history in textiles and was established in 1650.

Now, people continue to flock to the bustling deals-galore Brick Lane, the vibrant Columbia Road Flower Market and the diverse Whitechapel Market.

Together, the markets are searched online an average of 45,170 times per month.

One of the borough’s markets is currently award-winning, Petticoat Lane Food Court won Small Speciality Food Market of the Year 2024, a title that Columbia Road Flower Market also won in 2022.

Cllr Shafi Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Environment and the Climate, said:

“Our local markets form an integral part of our local economy, but they also serve to support residents in many ways. From quality produce that sustains families to traders that provide a friendly conversation for someone who may have had little human interaction.

“We need to celebrate the traders in particular; they often work long hours in less-than-ideal weather conditions. Due to the historic nature of the markets, some of our dedicated traders have been working for over 40 years but generationally, for much longer, with some traders representing the fourth generation of trader in the family.”

There are around 600 market traders in the borough, we spoke to five to learn why they choose to be a trader.  


Linda has run Lindy Loo’s Boutique on Roman Road Market for 45 years and does not plan to retire anytime soon. Alongside the stall, Linda manages her boutique website, Instagram, and Facebook, often posting daily.

When asked what she enjoys about Roman Road and being a trader, Linda said:

“It’s a nice little buzz down here, you still get loads of people that come down from afar, it’s an East End tradition.

“I like being out in the fresh air, meeting all my old and new customers. I’ve got quite a few regulars here. There’s a nice community (among the traders), not a lot of them have been here as long as I have but it’s a new generation coming into the markets now.

“I thought I was going to retire when I was 50 and I’m 61 now. I wouldn’t know what to do if I retired, I’d be bored stiff.”

Linda trades on Thursdays and Saturdays.


Muhammed has had his clothes stall at Watney Market for over 20 years, he also owns a shop across the road.

Muhammed said: “The customer knows the Watney Market name. I enjoy trading here because I get to see a lot of people, some far away customers come in and I enjoy talking to them.”

Muhammed trades Monday to Friday.


After starting out in Brick Lane, Som now trades chicken satay at Petticoat Lane Food Court, she has been trading in the borough for 15 years.

Som said: “I come from Bangkok and in Bangkok street food is everywhere, so I’m feeling like home when I’m doing this.

When asked why she loves Petticoat Lane Food Court, Som said:

“It’s kind of lively, everything is on the go. People can come and see what we’re doing, we cook fresh in front of them. I feel like this is my second home. I love the community and the spirits of the traders, we are like sisters and brothers, we help each other, and I love it.”

Som trades Monday to Friday.


Sunil has had his jewellery stall, Sahiba Jewels, on Whitechapel Market for 35 years.

Sunil said: “I got into trading out of need, I bought a big house, and I couldn’t pay the mortgage!”

When asked about the best things about being a trader, Sunil said: “It is quite open, and you meet a lot of different people. I’ve had shops and with them you can’t leave, this is much more social.  

“The biggest challenge is just the sheer hard work in the freezing cold. But you’ve got your goods right in front of people, so you get a lot of feedback direct from the customer. You’re interacting with the customers and seeing what their needs are, you’re right on the ground.”

Sunil trades Monday to Saturday.


Rosie and her mum started working together 10 years ago after being inspired by local markets. Two years ago, Rosie went it alone and now hosts Rosie’s Wardrobe on Roman Road Market.

Rosie said: I’ve always loved the market; I’ve been doing markets and car boot sales since I was five years of age.

“I’m very much a people person, I love coming to the stall. It’s not just about selling, it’s about finding out what people are up too, I mean I’ve met many friends being a market trader.

“I don’t like anyone to walk off my stall with something that doesn’t fit them. I like to give it my all as a trader.”

When asked about the benefits of being a trader, Rosie said: “I enjoy working under my own name for myself. I really appreciate being able to work by myself.”

Rosie trades on Thursdays and Saturdays.

You can find out more about these traders through videos on our Instagram page (@towerhamletsnow).

Remember, there is one-hour free parking for customers visiting a market in the borough as part of a package of help for local traders.

You must book your one hour free session using the RingGo app or calling the number on the sign plate.

Posted on Friday 17th May 2024